On 5/11/2019 1:29 AM, Xi Ruoyao via blfs-dev wrote:
Hi folks,

Now BLFS is using mozjs-60 package from ftp.gnome.org.  But it's the "original"
mozjs-60.1.0 without any update.  Arch is now using latest mozjs-60.6.3, even
Ubuntu is using a newer mozjs-60.2.3.

I downloaded Firefox ESR 60.6.3 code and removed everything unrelated to JS
engine I could find.  Then I built and installed mozjs-60.6.3 into my system.  I
found my GNOME was broken but I could rebuild Gjs to fix it.

The extracted mozjs-60.6.3 tarball (it's just a Firefox tarball with many
directories removed) has been uploaded to:


Now, is it worthy to update mozjs-60 version in BLFS book, following Firefox ESR
Yes. Undoubtedly. It should likely be pulled from Mercurial and packaged by BLFS (or just reuse the ESR tarball).

If you want to pull from hg, I believe this is the correct repo:

As to Doug's concern that users will have to rebuild GJS... IMO, it really should not be a concern. Add a warning and remove it at release time. If it is not read, then it isn't read. The information is presented, and can easily be recalled on support lists. The users are using an unreleased book and know that they take that risk. It simply teaches a valuable lesson, one that I often need a reminder of (as I suspect others do as well). :-)

OT: "remove it at release" - We should consider creating a profile to automate release things for the release manager. Build the bootscripts and udev tarballs, correct links to svn, exclude notes like above, etc.


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