Le 23/03/2020 à 03:49, Bruce Dubbs via blfs-dev a écrit :
> On 3/22/20 9:25 PM, Xi Ruoyao via blfs-dev wrote:
>> On 2020-03-23 01:44 +0000, Ken Moffat via blfs-dev wrote:
>>> On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 09:12:18AM +0800, Xi Ruoyao via blfs-dev wrote:
>>>> On 2020-03-22 21:34 +0000, Ken Moffat via blfs-dev wrote:
>>>>>   # mount --bind /run /mnt/lfs/run
>>>> I think it's dangerous: potentially harmful to the host.  Some service
>>>> running
>>>> in the LFS chroot may overwrite the runtime directory of the service 
>>>> running
>>>> on
>>>> the host.
>>> So, you are saying that packages from mozilla should not now be
>>> built in chroot ?
>> No.  I think we need a better way.
>>> But, what do you mean by a service running in chroot ?  I assume we
>>> are specifically talking of systemd here ?  Do services not get
>>> started during the boot process ?  The systemd instance in chroot
>>> has never started, so I assume it will be ineffective and systemd on
>>> the host will only care about services described in /etc/systemd ?
>> Maybe that's not a issue.  But still, /run contains lots of sockets of 
>> running
>> services.  That means now we can connect host services from the chroot
>> environment.  Even if it's not dangerous to host, it's polluting the new LFS
>> system.
>> Consider /run/initctl.  We don't want something in chroot to switch the 
>> *host*
>> to runlevel 1 :).
> What about
>  mount -t tmpfs /run
> from within chroot?
>   -- Bruce

FWIIW, here are my findings:
On a debian host, we have:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 mars  26 09:48 /run/shm -> /dev/shm
drwxrwxrwt 2 root root 40 mars  26 11:02 /dev/shm

But when mounting /dev to $LFS with mount --bind, we have

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 40 mars  26 11:01 /mnt/lfs/dev/shm

that is, the sticky bit and the write perm are lost for an average user.

Now trying to build FF in chroot (creating kernel virtual filesystems and
chrooting with the lfs book instructions):
- as root: needs to issue "export SHELL", but otherwise succeeds without
  anything else (/run exists as a tmpfs , but /run/shm does not exist)
- as user: no need to run "export SHELL" (I guess "su - <user>" does the
  export), but the perms to /dev/shm need to be changed to rwt

In both cases, the build goes to completion (not tried to install) after the
indicated changes.

Another check I've done: on a lfs system (9.1-rc1 Sys V) as per the book,
/dev/shm is drwxrwxrwt, and /run/shm does not exist. But everybody knows it is
possible to build firefox Actually, if you just mount a devtmpfs:

mkdir tempdir-for-trying-something
sudo mount -t devtmpfs devtmpfs tempdir-for-trying-something
ls -ld tempdir-for-trying-something/shm

then the shm perms are drwxrwxrwt.

So I'd suggest our instructions be changed to mount a devtmpfs in $LFS/dev

But what makes me think I do something different from ĸen is that I never see:
OSError: [Errno 38] Function not implemented


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