On Tue, 2005-03-22 at 21:36 +0100, Lukáš Holčík wrote:
> Hi, just one linking question:
> How can I choose one from more library versions (and locations), which
> the program will be linked against?
> Example (the names are not relevant, it's just an example):
> During compiling vim, I want to choose, whether the ncurses in
> /usr/lib
> or the ncurses in
> /opt/ncurses-5.4
> will be used. There is no ./configure --with-ncurses-prefix=... argument.

Compile-time options don't generally affect runtime unless you're
building things statically - all they do is tell the compiler/linker
where to find things. If you built with something like
--with-ncurses-prefix=/opt/ncurses, it'd be built against that version,
but would still be run against libraries in /usr if a suitable version
was found there.

> Will setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/ncurses-5.4:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH do the
> job?

Yes, LD_LIBRARY_PATH has precedence over everything else, including the
default locations of /lib and /usr/lib. You can demonstrate it by doing
something like the following:

cp /usr/lib/libncurses.so.5 $HOME
ldd /usr/bin/vim
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME ldd /usr/bin/vim

If you compare the output of the two ldd commands, the second will be
using the copy of libncurses.so in your home directory.


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