On 07/18/2012 05:08 PM, John Burrell wrote:
>>>> Could you post your dmesg output (or /var/log/kern.log from last boot)
>>>> after nouveau starts to misbehave?
>>> I think I'd have to email it to you because it's more that 50 KB. Is that 
>>> okay?
>> Sure, no problem. Note that you can always compress the log. xz -9 can
>> work very well. I only need log from last boot (or any other where issue
>> occours).
> I tared the kern.log file and attach it here. It came down from 123 KB to 17 
> KB.
> I removed the blacklist file and booted the system. This is the resulting log 
> after
> SysRq+s, u and then b as Ken suggested.

Hm ... You know, everything seems great. However, I didn't see any 
information about dell_laptop module. Just wmi.

Are CONFIG_DELL_LAPTOP and CONFIG_DELL_WMI set as Y or M in your kernel 

Anyways, you can try adding acpi_osi=Linux acpi_backlight=vendor to your 
kernel command line. I doubt it will change anything, but it's worth a 
try. Other than that, I'm out of ideas.

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