Hello blfs-support@linuxfromscratch.org

I have installed Postfix 2.11.0 and mailx-12.4. 

Problem: I can not send email using mailx (mail) if I have Swedish umlauts (åäö 
etc) in 
the message body. Mailx fails after I press ctrl-D to send.

magnus@lfs ~> mail magnus
Subject: test1
Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
"/home/magnus/dead.letter" 1/4
. . . message not sent.
magnus@lfs ~> 

Everything is fine if I skip umlauts.

magnus@lfs ~> mail magnus
Subject: test
This is a test.
magnus@lfs ~> mail
Heirloom mailx version 12.4 7/29/08.  Type ? for help.
"/var/mail/magnus": 1 message 1 new
>N  1 mag...@mail.lfs.lo Sun Feb 23 13:41   18/574   test
Message  1:
>From mag...@mail.lfs.local  Sun Feb 23 13:41:26 2014
Return-Path: <mag...@mail.lfs.local>
X-Original-To: magnus
Delivered-To: mag...@mail.lfs.local
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 13:41:26 +0100
To: mag...@mail.lfs.local
Subject: test
User-Agent: Heirloom mailx 12.4 7/29/08
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
From: mag...@mail.lfs.local
Status: R

This is a test.


I have tried to modify /etc/nail.rc, ~/.mailrc and ~/.nailrc and add: 
set ttycharset=utf-8, but it does not help.

I have also tried export LC_CTYPE=sv_SE.UTF-8 in bash shell, and other 
but no change.

I have noticed the "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii" in the 
non-umlaut test. 
However I can not change it.

The rest of the LFS/BLFS system I have handle umlauts well, i.e. Bash shell, 
KDE Konsole, Kmail, Kate etc.

How to configure mailx and postfix to handle umlauts?

Best regards,

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