On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 03:20:37PM +0100, lux-integ wrote:
> I noticed  the above blfs recipe has these switches
> --disable-postgresql-sdbc   \
>  --without-java
 From memory, postgresql and java are among the default options.
Most BLFS users probably don't build either of them, or want them.

 As to your other questions, I have no idea.  For postgresql in
/usr/local I would expect it to be found [ and if you had different
versions in /usr and /usr/local I would expect the version in
/usr/local to be used ], but LO is a very long compile, even with
-j4, and my guesses might not match what it really does.  So if you
don't get definitive answers you should expect to try to build it
several times, and to log the builds so that you can find the first
error message if it does fail.

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