> Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 07:45:26 +0200 (CEST)
> To: lf...@cruziero.com, blfs-support@linuxfromscratch.org
> From: Pierre Lorenzon <de...@pollock-nageoire.net>
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1):
>  Inappropriate ioctl for device
> 1. The bash startup files are the same in both clfs-2.1.0 and
> lfs-6.6 so I suspect that it does not come from that.
> 2. shell options have not been modified in emacs so it looks me strange as 
> well that it could be due to such configuration.
> But Anyway I'll do some tests. 

Yes, ... for such debugging, of course, observe what _is_ happening rather
than assume what _should be_ or _is expected to be_ happening.

> > 
> > Given what you describe, I'd expect it's most likely a difference in,
> > basically, environment setup. Here, though, are some perhaps-longer-shots
> > - but still, I'd say at most skim these for now, and focus on the above
> > stuff first:
> > ====
> > * do you at all run emacs via a script, &/or use any command-line args ?
>   emacs is started in the shell with no command-line args but
>   there is a .emacs startup file that can be responsible. I'll
>   make test without such a file.

Yes, but do also compare the .emacs* files between root/non-root & lfs/clfs.

> > 
> > * ( with X not running, do you still get the issue when logging on at tty1 ?
>   No X is running on my system.
> >   And what about for tty2 ? )
> > 

What if you try the same via tty2: does it give the same problem?


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