
One of the reasons I wanted to roll back is that in the 4.x Pro version of 
Super Anti-Spyware there's a clearly marked button for schedule scans.  My 
memory is that in 5.x it is buried a couple levels in (I think under Settings) 
and I also seem to remember routing JAWS to PC was required to get to it.  I'd 
have thought they'd have made such an important item more obvious and easier to 
find.  Once there, I found it very hard to schedule a scan.  Much routing of 
JAWS to PC is required throughout the program.  It is with 4.x, but I think is 
even more so in what I remember of 5.x.  I think they've moved other items 
besides scheduling scans and have plunked them down in places that, at least to 
me, seem less logical.

One feature that I remember seeing in the Pro version of 5.x that I don't think 
is in 4.x that I wish was there is the ability to check for definition updates 
but not program updates.

I should say up front that part of my own problem with 5.x is that it is more 
accessible with JAWS 12 than JAWS 10 and I vastly prefer DEC-Talk Access 32 to 
Eloquence and, as far as I know, I can't use DEC-Talk Access 32 with J12.  I'll 
have to switch soon and maybe when I do I won't dislike the new interface for 
the Pro SAS quite as much.

I did not spend a lot of time exploring Pro 5.x and it may be more logical than 
I found it.  I'd be happy to hear about anything I missed.

What features in the free 5 did you find easier than 4.x?  Maybe they made some 
things easier in the new interface in the Pro that I didn't see when I tried it.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Doris and Chris" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 1:25 AM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] Why Downgrade? - Was: Re: Rolling Back the Pro 
Version ofSuperAnti-Spyware Re: SuperAnti Spyware Pro users

I am late coming in on this, but why the effort to downgrade 
superantispyware? I do not have the pro but only the free version. is 
there something in the pro version that is inaccessible over the old 
version that is not in the free one?

i just installed some 5.x version on my box here  and i found a 
couple of settings were now accessible that had not been in the 4.x 
version. since the free version can be used as a trial for or, when 
adding a registration code, as the pro version, I am wondering if i 
missed something . sorry to have missed the beginning of this thread. 
I would like to keep informed about accessibility issues.

Thanks much.


At 12:19 AM 9/21/2011, you wrote:
>Hi Mike,
>I tried installing SAS 4.56 on top of 5.0 and, at least on my 
>machine, got a message that a version was already installed and it 
>had to be uninstalled before 4.56 could be installed and I was 
>offered an opportunity to take care of that right then.  I did and 
>am now back to 4.56 and the virus definitions are up to date.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Mike & Barbara" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 5:48 PM
>Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Rolling Back the Pro Version 
>ofSuperAnti-Spyware Re: SuperAnti Spyware Pro users
>Hi Margaret;
>The last time I rolled SAS back to 4.56, I believe I removed the current SAS
>version, then ran / installed the 4.56 version.  You could try running the
>4.56 version just to see if it will install over the current version.  Take
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Margaret Thomas
>   To:
>   Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 2:23 PM
>   Subject: [Blind-Computing] Rolling Back the Pro Version of
>SuperAnti-Spyware Re: SuperAnti Spyware Pro users
>   Hi Mike,
>   I have the link to roll back the Pro version of SAS 5.0 to 4.56.
>   Do you know if I have to uninstall 5.0 and do a fresh install or will 4.56
>install over 5.0?  I've asked SAS Tech Support twice and they've answered
>another part of my question, but not that one.
>   I'm guessing it would be a fresh install.
>   JAWS 10 and 12 are installed on XP Home with SP3.
>   Thanks,
>   Margaret
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: "Mike & Barbara" <>
>   To: <>
>   Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 10:10 AM
>   Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] SuperAnti Spyware Pro users
>   Hi Margaret;
>   You have to route the Jaws cursor to the PC cursor and play around to
>   the items you want.  Or, if you schedule a scan you can have SAS get rid
>   things it finds automatically.  Take care.
>   Mike
>     ----- Original Message -----
>     From: Margaret Thomas
>     To:
>     Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 6:30 PM
>     Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] SuperAnti Spyware Pro users
>     Mike and All,
>     The other morning the Pro version of SAS 5.x found several things it
>   could cause problems.  I'd previously been able to quarantine items it
>   found, but, this time I was unable to find the list of problem items to
>   check what I wanted to quarantine using JAWS 12 which works a bit better
>   me with the new SAS than JAWS 10 does.  I procrastinated about rolling
>   to the previous version of SAS that was more accessible with JAWS, but
>   Eloquence instead of DEC-Talk Access 32 with JAWS 12  combined with the
>   SAS interface will require more patience pills than I have on hand at the
>   moment and it's time to roll back SAS to the older version.
>     I have
>     as a direct link from a previous post.  Do I have to uninstall the Pro
>   version of SAS first or will the .exe for the older version install over
>   5.0x?
>     Thanks,
>     Margaret
>     ----- Original Message -----
>     From: "Mike & Barbara In Arcadia" <>
>     To: <>
>     Sent: Monday, August 15, 2011 3:01 PM
>     Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] SuperAnti Spyware Pro users
>     Hi Margaret,
>     This is the reply I received today about running SAS 4.56 & if its
>     definitions updates will stay up to date.
> Wrote:
>     Hi,
>     If you use the link for the old Pro 4.56 interface, will  SAS still
>     new / latest definitions without updating the interface etc.? Thanks
>     take
>     care.
>     Mike
> Replied:
>     Hi there,
>     Yes that is true. Definition updates are independent of product updates.
>   You
>     can stay completely up-to-date with definitions while still using
>     4.56.
>     Regards,
>     Customer Service
>       ----- Original Message -----
>       From: Margaret Thomas
>       To:
>       Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2011 6:27 AM
>       Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] SuperAnti Spyware Pro users
>       I'm so happy to hear that other JAWS users are having trouble with the
>   new
>     Pro Super Anti-Spyware!  It installed the new version several days ago
>   when
>     I checked for updates after it hadn't done the usual daily scan for a
>   couple
>     days.  I was finally able to schedule a daily scan for my preferred
>     but I couldn't tell it to let me do manual complete scans when I wanted
>   and
>     not to do them automatically.  The closest I could come was to let it do
>     them one day a week.
>       Does anyone know if with version 5 (Pro) for the item to quarantine
>     remove items does it remove them or put them in the quarantine vault so
>   one
>     can double check them before removing them?
>       I was able to get the new Pro version to work with JAWS 10, but it was
>     bit easier with 12.
>       If you use the link for the old interface, will  SAS still update new
>     definitions etc.?
>       Thanks,
>       Margaret
>       ----- Original Message -----
>       From: "Mike & Barbara In Arcadia" <>
>       To: <>
>       Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 2:35 PM
>       Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] SuperAnti Spyware Pro users
>       Hi David,
>       The SAS 5.0 version is somewhat accessible, as we have both found out,
>   but
>       only if you are running Jaws11 or 12.  It is not accessible with any
>     earlier
>       versions.  Also, we have both learned that about the only part that is
>       accessible is configuring scanning & programming schedules, but even
>   doing
>       these tasks' takes a lot of work using both the Jaws & PC cursors &
>   left,
>       right, up, & down arrowing.
>         Hopefully they will make the rest of the Interface accessible
>         as well.
>         Take care.
>         Mike
>         ----- Original Message -----
>         From: David Ferrin
>         To:
>         Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 11:17 AM
>         Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] SuperAnti Spyware Pro users
>         I have been able to manage the latest version without too much of a
>       learning
>         curve, maybe I should look again just to make sure.
>         David Ferrin
>         I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I'll probably screw that
>   one
>       up
>         too.
>         ----- Original Message -----
>         From: "Maria Campbell" <>
>         To: <>
>         Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 2:14 PM
>         Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] SuperAnti Spyware Pro users
>         I appreciate this information, but unfortunately it's just another
>         example of what the future may hold for accessibility. Each time I
>   a
>         message like this I get more and more discouraged.
>         Sunny Day
>         Maria Campbell
>         When the power of love is stronger than the love of power,
>         then the world will know peace.
>         When at the edge of the unknown, faith provides the wings to fly.
>         On 8/12/2011 1:44 PM, Mike & Barbara In Arcadia wrote:
>         > Hi All,
>         >
>         > For those who are running SuperAnti Spyware Pro,&  are having
>   problems
>         > navigating the Interface of the new 5.0 version, you will need to
>     start
>       a
>         > tech support ticket.  They have acknowledged that SAS 5.0 is not
>         > accessible
>         > with Jaws&  if you start a help ticket, explaining that you are
>   blind&
>         > running Jaws, they will send you a direct download link for the
>   prior
>         > accessible version, version 4.56, to install.  Hope this helps.
>   Take
>         > care.
>         > Mike
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