     I have windows 7 on all my computers, and I love the pieces out of it.
However, Since windows 8 will be the new standard I would wait for it if I
were going to upgrade my systems at this point.

God bless,

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-----Original Message-----
From: blind-computing-boun...@jaws-users.com
[mailto:blind-computing-boun...@jaws-users.com] On Behalf Of Alan Robbins
Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2012 4:54 PM
To: Blind-Computing
Subject: [Blind-Computing] Window's 7 or 8

Looking for feedback either on list or off. I currently have
3 computers in the home network that are  all running XP
Pro. I realize this will be supported until I believe June
2014. However, One of the units is having extreme issues and
really needs to be replaced. There is another that could be.
My understanding is Window's 8 is coming out in the Fall
sometime. I have no personal experience with Window's 7 or
8. I know once Window's 8 is released you will still be able
to get Window's 7 pre installed on new units purchased but
I'm sure it  will fade quickly. So my question to those that
have tinkered with both, would it be better to replace units
this Fall while Window's 7 is still the base system or wait
until Window's 8 is the norm? All suggestions and comments


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