
I doodled with tthe games.

None of them were especially fun, the visual novel was the one I liked, butt pittty it was never completed.

However, this realsound dev has some interesting games, most horror themed sadly.

What I'd do if I found more scifi games, alien, first contact exploration, trek like, not necessarilly invasion, something like beyond tthe chiron gate but me as a starship captain would be nice.

On 2/03/2024 12:03 pm, Superfreq wrote:
Hi everyone
The voting for submissions to the third (games for blind gamers) jam on <> is now open and will stay open for the next week. The link is at the bottom of this message. If none of that made sense, don't worry. All you really need to know is that a bunch of independent developers got together for a month and tried there hand at making blind accessible computer games on a gaming website called <>. This has happened for the last 3 years now, and even though some of these games are naturally simple or a bit buggy because of the time limitations and inexperience, they can still be a great deal of fun! You may see ideas here that you've never seen in either traditional audio games or blind playable mainstream games. It lets developers from outside our community experiment and learn about making games for us in a low risk environment, and it can help inspire them to create even greater projects in the future. Playing these games and voting on them really helps the cause. It gives these developers feedback on what worked and what didn't for next time. All you need is an account on <> and the following link. If you need help, feel free to ask! :slight_smile:


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