
Thanks for posting this information.  I didn't know this about moth balls, 
and a friend just told me she was going to put them out for a problem a 
couple of days ago.  She has a two year old, and I am certain she will want 
to know this.  I forwarded your message to her.  Thank you again.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ken Hawk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 7:05 PM
Subject: Re: [BlindHandyMan] Neighbor's Pets

> mothballs -- pose a hazard to young children. Mothballs can be easily
> mistaken
> for candy, or simply tempt young children to touch and play with them.
> Recent studies have linked naphthalene to illnesses, including nasal 
> cancer.
> Widespread
> sale and distribution of these products make illegal mothballs a 
> particular
> concern.
> Mothballs placed out side for pest control is a environmental risk, they
> contain naphthalene, when dissolved pollutes water sources.
> Ken Hawk
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "one foxy lady" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 6:51 PM
> Subject: Re: [BlindHandyMan] Neighbor's Pets
>> Hello list,
>> My gardener told me his mother puts out Moth Balls to rid her of cats and
>> other animals so going to try that and will let you know..
>> Thanks again for all the tips I have it saved just in case..
>> Patricia
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Boyce, Ray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 8:07 PM
>> Subject: RE: [BlindHandyMan] Neighbor's Pets
>>> Hi Hailley
>>> Now Dogs
>>> Although dogs make great pets, there are many
>>> times when wild populations or dogs left to run loose
>>> can present problems.  This article will address some
>>> of these problems and offer solutions to these problems.
>>> The devices listed can be used for both wild dogs,
>>> roaming dogs and pet dogs depending on the situation
>>> and application needed.
>>> Nuisance dogs can cause damage to crops, livestock
>>> and property.  Some regions of the United States have
>>> laws and agencies in place to help deal with such
>>> situations.  Cut backs in budgeting as well as a surge
>>> in wild populations have let homeless dog populations
>>> reach all time highs. This trend is expected to
>>> continue. More common is the dog owner who allows
>>> their pet to defecate on a neighbors yard, dig where
>>> ever they want or destroy another's property. It's
>>> truly amazing how many pet owners will hook their
>>> dog to a leash and then walk them over to a neighbors
>>> grass and let the pet to do their thing! These same
>>> people won't let their dog go in their own yard for
>>> fear of hurting the grass or because of the mess
>>> or smell. However, it's OK to do it on someone else's
>>> turf. A lot of time you can find these same people
>>> sneaking around after hours to walk their pet just to
>>> make sure no one is watching. Needless to say,
>>> this is simply rude and not acceptable behavior.
>>> Fortunately, there are ways to deal with this
>>> problem and this article will explain some those
>>> treatment options.
>>> To stop dogs from defecating in your yard, use
>>> a product called
>>> These granules work two
>>> ways. First, they absorb and mask existing odors
>>> which is key to stopping the behavior in the first
>>> place. Since dogs which "mark" or scent their
>>> territory will do so over and over, the Ropel
>>> will help stop this behavior because the scenting
>>> animal is not able to find the location quite
>>> as easily as before. The second way Ropel works is
>>> that they release a slight odor which dogs don't like.
>>> This odor is not unpleasant but is generally one they
>>> don't find interesting and don't acknowledge. The Granules
>>> are time released and can last two to four weeks
>>> per application. The end result is they will go elsewhere
>>> and will ultimately keep away from treated areas.
>>> It will not hurt non-target animals and is safe around
>>> children. Make sure to treat more than just the area they
>>> are presently active. This insures they will not simply
>>> move over a few feet. The bigger the area you treat the
>>> better results will be. Once the animals begin to go
>>> elsewhere they will develop new habits. Soon they will
>>> forget your property even exists.
>>> If the pet is one which is being walked on a leash and
>>> the owner continues to walk the pet on your property even
>>> after you have asked them not to, consider setting
>>> out some
>>> These are the same
>>> Professional Signs required to be placed out by commercial
>>> applicators that treat yards for a living. They are
>>> designed to alert adults that the grass was recently
>>> treated and should be avoided. If you want to have the
>>> best impact, then use both the Ropel Granules and these
>>> signs. In most cases, the person walking the pet will
>>> do so in some other direction or simply walk around your
>>> yard. Once this pattern is followed for a week or so,
>>> they will unconsciously start to avoid your land
>>> altogether without knowing. However, keeping the signs
>>> out for a week or so at a time and doing this every
>>> month or so will reinforce to the pet owner that they
>>> need to stay away.
>>> To help let scented granules last longer, you can
>>> install
>>> They will protect the
>>> granules from the rain and sun so they will last
>>> longer. Each Guard will hold 1/2 lb of granules
>>> and can be placed on the ground using the enclosed
>>> spike or the spike can be removed so the Guard
>>> will lie flat. These really pay dividends if you
>>> want your granules to last as long as possible.
>>> And when combined with the Warning Signs, most any
>>> annoying neighbor with their pet will stay off
>>> your grass for good!!!
>>> If the dog is still persistent after the use of
>>> Ropel you may want to take a more aggressive approach.
>>> We have a
>>> which is
>>> ideal for this application. It's such a good product
>>> because you can use it safely knowing you won't hurt
>>> your neighbors dog plus it really works. This device
>>> hooks up to your garden hose and has a stake which
>>> is pushed into the ground. Set it out in the area
>>> you want to protect. It has a zone or field of
>>> view which is adjustable up to 35 feet away. The
>>> "eye" has a field of view of over 45 degrees. Once
>>> you have it positioned to protect your yard the next
>>> time any nuisance dog comes into range the "eye"
>>> will see it, blast it with a high pressure 3 second
>>> shot of water and then reset itself in about 10
>>> seconds. It is now ready to spray again! One or
>>> two experiences with this unit and most dogs stay
>>> away. It even has a pass through connection so
>>> that several can be hooked up in series. Excellent
>>> to use at property lines as well as gardens, fence
>>> rows, poles and automobiles. It will work 24 hours
>>> a day and runs off a 9 volt battery which will last
>>> for several months.
>>> If you have nuisance dogs which are owned by
>>> someone else and the dogs are damaging things in
>>> your yard, there is a product called
>>> which will stop this behavior.
>>> Simply spray the object or plant they are chewing and
>>> they will leave it alone.  Ropel liquid tastes terrible
>>> and once a dog gets a taste they will not chew the
>>> treated object again.  Ropel is available in many sizes.
>>> You can treat plants, structures, lawn ornaments, trees,
>>> furniture, tools, fences, or anything a dog or other
>>> nuisance animal may chew. Although rain will wash it
>>> away over time, one experience from chewing something
>>> treated with Ropel would be enough to keep the
>>> animal from doing it again. Consider using some inside if
>>> you own a dog and need to stop it from randomly chewing.
>>> This is a common behavior for puppies. During the teething
>>> process, they will many times find something to their
>>> liking in the home like a small rug, a piece of furniture
>>> or maybe some curtains. Whatever it is, just a few squirts
>>> with the Ropel will get it to stop this destructive
>>> behavior. Ropel tastes really bad and once they get
>>> a mouthful of it, they won't want any again. If the
>>> object you want to treat won't receive liquid too
>>> well, use the
>>> This quick drying material
>>> doesn't use taste as much as it uses odor. Though not
>>> detectable by people, Repel Aerosol has a distinctive
>>> scent to dogs which they don't like. Lightly mist the
>>> target area and your pet will stay away from whatever
>>> you spray. Repel can also be used outside and works
>>> well at stopping dogs from urinating where you don't
>>> want them to go. It won't last as long as the Ropel
>>> Granules but when used together, the two enhance each
>>> others performance.
>>> If you have unwanted dogs crossing through your
>>> yard, there is a product called
>>> which
>>> creates a "wall" the animals do not want to cross.
>>> The granules work two ways. First, by masking the
>>> odors left behind from other dogs which were there
>>> before, new dogs aren't able to detect old scent
>>> trails. Secondly, the granules give off an odor
>>> which dogs don't like. They will stay away from
>>> where Repellent is applied so you can use it two
>>> ways: use it to keep dogs off a specific part of
>>> your property or if you want to stop them from
>>> urinating or defecating on it. Since the granules
>>> only target dogs or cats, you won't be chasing
>>> away other desirable wildlife like birds.
>>> If the animals are persistent, you should consider
>>> the use of Ultra Sound as well. These devices have been
>>> around for many years and their technology has gotten
>>> better. By emitting sounds in a frequency range which
>>> dogs do not like, you can keep them out of certain
>>> areas of your yard. These units seem to work well at keeping
>>> unwanted dogs away which are not using your yard
>>> habitually. If you have a dog urinating or defecating
>>> on your property, you will still need to start with the
>>> Ropel. The Motion Activated Water Sprayer is the next
>>> step up and if you are looking to cover a large area then
>>> you should consider combining the granules with an
>>> to  get  the best results
>>> possible. There are several units to choose from so be
>>> sure to read all the data and pick one that will best
>>> fit your needs.
>>> If the problem you are having is with your own pet
>>> and you want to keep it from going to a certain part
>>> of the house, you can use the same Ultra Sound technology
>>> is the form of a weaker unit. This device is called
>>> the
>>> Basically it uses the
>>> same technology as the outside units but is not quite
>>> as powerful. It is also a lot smaller. It works by
>>> first placing the base transmitter by doorways,
>>> hallways or other parts of the home you don't want
>>> your dog. The base is powered by the included AC
>>> adaptor. You can also power it by a 9 volt battery if
>>> an electric outlet is not readily available. Next,
>>> attach the small included transmitter to the dogs
>>> collar. It is about the size of a nickel and your
>>> pet won't even know it's there. When the dog comes
>>> within 5-10 feet of the base, the small transmitter
>>> it is wearing will set the base off which in turn
>>> will emit an annoying Ultra Sound which the dog
>>> will not like. It will soon learn to avoid areas
>>> where this sound is prevalent. Multiple bases can
>>> be set up around the home all working from the
>>> same transmitter so you can control just where
>>> your pet goes and won't go.
>>> If the dog you are dealing with is not your own,
>>> placing a transmitter on it's collar won't be an
>>> option. For this situation, the
>>> may be
>>> better suited. This device has two settings: ultra
>>> sound and audible. The ultra sound setting is used
>>> when you want to scare off dogs without having to
>>> worry about hearing the unit sound yourself. The
>>> audible sound will work two ways. First, it will
>>> generally scare away targeted dogs when it sounds
>>> off. Since this sound can be heard for some distance,
>>> you will be able to know when any animal is within
>>> the range of the Pet Alarm. Use this setting for
>>> situations when you want to know something is in
>>> your yard or somewhere in the home that will require
>>> some extra action on your part. The Pet Alarm has
>>> an adjustable sensitivity setting so you can make it
>>> sound off and respond to a wide range of vibration.
>>> Consider the Pet Alarm to be something that can
>>> act as a sound deterrent to unwanted animal activity
>>> as well as a way for you to be notified of certain
>>> activity.
>>> If your dog is stubborn and needs something a little
>>> stronger, you might consider some
>>> These are
>>> thin mats which can be placed on the floor, furniture
>>> or window sills. They have battery packs and wiring
>>> which connects the battery pack to the mat. When
>>> on, the battery pack "charges" the mat so that any
>>> animal walking on it will "ground out" causing
>>> a mild but unpleasant shock. Dogs are very sensitive
>>> to this shock and will choose not to walk where
>>> they are placed. Scatmats are an excellent training
>>> tool because dogs are smart and will rapidly learn
>>> how to avoid them. For this reason you generally
>>> only need to install the Scatmat for a few days
>>> to a week. Over this time the dog will undoubtedly
>>> find another path or place to relax since it will
>>> not risk getting shocked over and over. These mats
>>> are a perfect tool for keeping the targeted animal
>>> out of certain rooms, off chairs, off furniture,
>>> away from certain rooms, pet tanks or plants and basically
>>> anywhere you don't want them. We have three styles
>>> available and since you can hook them up in series,
>>> you can conceivably protect quite a large entrance
>>> to any room, ledge or window sill. Once the pet knows
>>> the shock will occur and stays away, you can remove
>>> the Scatmat and keep it ready for its next job.
>>> If you have a problem with a neighbor's dog barking
>>> all the time, you can use ultra sound to train them
>>> to stop. Our
>>> uses similar
>>> sounds as the Ultra Sound Repeller. Many times dogs
>>> become trained to start barking when you go outside.
>>> Though they may be next door in a cage or fenced
>>> yard, it is both annoying and disconcerting to have
>>> them do this. You now have the ability to stop them
>>> from this behavior using our Barker Stopper. There
>>> are two ways of doing this. First, you can physically
>>> carry the unit out with you and turn it on as soon as
>>> the animal starts to bark. In a short period of time
>>> the animal will learn you have the ability to generate
>>> a sound it does not like. If the animal leaves, turn
>>> the unit off. You will effectively be training the
>>> dog to stay away from you when you are present. Over
>>> time the dog will simply leave upon your arrival; it
>>> will figure out to stay away otherwise it will have
>>> to endure that terrible sound. The second way to use
>>> the unit is to install them in your yard pointing at
>>> the target animal which is barking. The Barker Stopper
>>> has sensors which can be adjusted so that you control
>>> just how loud the animal must bark to activate the
>>> device. Set one or more units out where you need
>>> to stop annoying dogs from barking and you will
>>> train them to leave you alone and keep quiet.
>>> If the dog problem is one which due to random conflicts
>>> when walking or because local residents let their
>>> animals wander about off a lease, you may consider
>>> getting a
>>> This device is most
>>> commonly used by service people who deliver mail,
>>> boxes, etc. and need some type of a defense to ward
>>> off loose and possibly dangerous dogs. The Dog
>>> Repeller sends out Ultra Sound which is annoying and
>>> alarming to oncoming dogs when activated. This
>>> sound will make them wary of you and in most cases
>>> keep them away altogether. It is small enough to
>>> carry concealed and can be triggered quickly. Use it
>>> when jogging, walking, biking, hiking, etc. and
>>> the risk of conflict with dogs is present. It can
>>> also be used as a training aid for hard to handle
>>> animals who are disobedient. As a last resort, some
>>> may be needed. This Capsaicin
>>> based aerosol will disarm and confuse most any
>>> attacking dog. It has a range up to 10 feet and
>>> won't permanently hurt the target animal. However,
>>> it will stop most any aggressive behavior and
>>> allow for you to move away from the immediate
>>> danger.
>>> Dogs which have been urinating in your yard may
>>> have created a scent that is strong. This can also
>>> occur where they have been defecating. Although
>>> Ropel Granules mentioned above can be used to stop
>>> the animals from doing this where you treat, the
>>> current odor may be offensive enough to treat
>>> with
>>> This is a biological
>>> enzyme which "eats" the bacteria and other
>>> components of dog urine and feces. As Dawgon works
>>> on the odor it will neutralize. This process will
>>> probably happen over time as rain and sun helps to
>>> break odor areas. However, this could take several
>>> months. If you treat with Dawgon, the odor will
>>> quickly dissipate. Use it on cement, buildings, lawn
>>> areas, pine straw, crawl spaces, dog kennels, fence
>>> rows and anywhere dogs or cats have been going.
>>> This product will work best when it's applied directly
>>> to the scents and this can sometimes be hard to
>>> locate. Use our
>>> to help find
>>> exact locations of urine and fece odors. Simply turn
>>> it on during low to no light conditions and the
>>> light will reflect just where the scent is located
>>> which will inform you of where you need to apply
>>> Dawgon. This will help you get the results you want
>>> all the more quickly as well as save in product usage
>>> by minimizing wasted applications. Another product to
>>> consider using is
>>> This is essentially a
>>> biodegradeable paint which has been designed to be
>>> applied over turf and other plants for the purpose
>>> of masking damage due to fungus, urine and drought.
>>> Mix it up in any of the
>>> we have listed for
>>> its application and you will be able to conceal
>>> the damage urinating dogs have caused. Treatments
>>> will usually last 4-8 weeks which is enough time
>>> for new plant growth to replace that which has been
>>> damaged.
>>> Wild dogs which are killing livestock and posing
>>> a threat to people need to be trapped. It is a shame
>>> to see this happen, but more and more animals find
>>> themselves abandoned and having to find food any
>>> way they can. These dogs may become desperate and
>>> dangerous. If you have such a dog or a pack of dogs
>>> in your area which are causing problems, there are
>>> several live traps which can be used to catch
>>> them. For small animals up to 25 lbs, you can use
>>> our
>>> NH2361
>>> or our
>>> LT151842.
>>> The NH2361 is good for
>>> short animals; the LT151842 is better for animals
>>> which are taller and slender. For animals 45 lbs to
>>> 75 lbs, use our
>>> NH6602
>>> or
>>> LT152248.
>>> The NH6602 is
>>> better for shorter animals; the LT152248 is better
>>> animals which are taller and slender. Any animals
>>> much over 75 lbs should be trapped with one of our
>>> large traps. Though the mid sized design may work,
>>> a trap too small could lead to the dog escaping. This
>>> bad experience will teach most any dog to avoid
>>> traps in the future and trap shyness would likely
>>> prevent future live trapping. Use either our
>>> NH6701
>>> or
>>> LT202872.
>>> Both will do the job; the
>>> LT202872 is slightly taller and longer but the
>>> NH6701 would be a better option if the animal
>>> is known to be unusually tough or vicious. Use beef as
>>> bait and visual attractant. To get animals close to
>>> and inside the trap, use a combination of our
>>> These concentrated baits are designed
>>> to be used in tandem. The Long Distance formulation
>>> will get the target dog close to the trap; the
>>> Trap Bait will get wary dogs into the trap. Our
>>> specially formulated scent is too much for any dog
>>> to resist when added to some beef  In general,
>>> it is always better to use a trap bigger than needed.
>>> Dogs will always enter a trap which is bigger than
>>> them but rarely one that is too small.
>>> Nuisance dogs can be a problem.  Wild dogs
>>> should be trapped and either relocated or
>>> destroyed - depending on local ordinances.
>>> Local dogs which use your property for
>>> defecating, chewing or simply digging in the
>>> ground can be stopped with some of the new
>>> repellent materials available.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From:
>>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of one foxy lady
>>> Sent: Tuesday, 26 September 2006 10:38
>>> To: handyman
>>> Subject: [BlindHandyMan] Neighbor's Pets
>>> Hello List,
>>> Well yall may or may not be able to help me with this..
>>> I have a front porch that extends the length of my house and 4 columns
>>> to support the roof overhang which I suspect that is why my neighbor's
>>> cats like to laze away the day on my bench on this porch and they have a
>>> dog too who likes to run back and forth in between the little bushes
>>> that sits in a row in front of the bench on the porch.
>>> I have asked my neighbor to better monitor her pets she works all day
>>> and leaves them outside to roam the neighborhood so my question is how
>>> can I rid myself of these pests.
>>> I like animals but just not unwanted ones..
>>> Thanks,
>>> Hailley
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