Interesting lenny.  I've never paid anything up front.  I don't really 
understand the logic either since a contractor can always get a mechanics lien 
if there is a problem getting paid.

Bill Stephan, 
Kansas City MO 
Phone: (816)803-2469

-original message-
Subject: Re: [BlindHandyMan] roof damage
From: Lenny McHugh <>
Date: 08/05/2010 12:17

Alan, excellent advice. In my area all contractors require 50% down.

From: "Alan Paganelli" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 1:10 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [BlindHandyMan] roof damage

> I would suspect that if the damage is that large that there is more damage
> you can't see and it's problem that the roof is weak in spots.  Crawling
> around on a roof that has no damage is a risky business to start with and
> when you toss in possible water damage it could turn deadly and very fast.
> It's not just about fixing the hole but about inspecting for other damage
> that possibly could be worse.  But, as has already been said, this sort of
> thing won't go away on it's own.
> Here's what I recommend.  Contact 5 or 6 roofing contractors in your area.
> Tell them that your taking bids on roof repairs and briefly describe the
> problem.  Don't assume.  People invite contractors to stick it to them by
> describing things they assume to be true.  If you tell the contractor you
> are afraid you might need a new roof, guess what he'll tell you.  Yes mam,
> we examined your roof and your quite correct.  Your roof is shot and needs
> to be replaced.  That's at least a 10,000 dollar job.  Instead, only
> describe what you know as fact.  Tell them up front that your only taking
> bids at this time.  If they say something like we don't give bids, you can
> reply, then you don't get the job.  If their honest, they'll come out and
> give you a free bid.  If they want to charge you for it, run real fast.
> I'm the president of our home owners association and am responsible for 
> over
> 55 homes.  It's not a large association as such things go but we get home
> owners seeking information on what they can do to avoid being taken.
> Out of 5 or 6 bids, you should wind up with 4.  There is always 1 or 2 who
> offer more excuses why they can't come out when they said they would. 
> Their
> probably doing you a favor anyway.  Out of the 4 or so you get,you'll be
> amazed at the range of prices.
> As an example, on a 10 thousand roofing job the prices could be as low as 
> 6
> and as high as 20 thousand.
> Write everything down and never assume you will be able to remember it
> because you won't.  Get the bid in writing or you don't have anything.  If
> it's in writing, you've got the paper to prove the bidder said what ever.
> Never pay in full up front.  You have no bargaining chips left.  If you 
> are
> still holding the money, you've got say-so. It is proper to put some money
> down up front but only a small amount usually far less then half; like 
> maybe
> a fourth.  /And finally, run like hell when they start promising you the 
> sun
> and the moon.  Unless it's in writing, you don't have it.
> All the best of luck to you with it.  Oh and be sure to inquire about
> warrantees on their work and how long etc.
> Alan
> Please click on:
> There, you'll find files of my arrangements and performances played on
> the Yamaha Tyros keyboard.  I often add files so check back regularly!
> The albums in Technics  format formerly on my website are still
> available upon request.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Cy Selfridge" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 8:19 AM
> Subject: RE: [BlindHandyMan] roof damage
>> Jennifer,
>> I concur with Al in that unless you are pretty adept with roofing issues
>> *DON'T* do it.
>> Crawling around in the attic should also be left to those who have
>> experience.
>> Having a pro come and fix the problem is a whole lot less than hospital
>> bills and resultant recovery from falling off the roof or through the
>> ceiling.
>> Cy, The Anasazi
>> From: 
>> []
>> On Behalf Of Jennifer Jackson
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 9:04 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: [BlindHandyMan] roof damage
>> Good Morning,
>> I need some input on the condition of my roof and what my next step 
>> should
>> be. There is a hole in the ceiling of an upstairs bedroom that is from a
>> water leak. I have been up on a short ladder and checked this part out 
>> for
>> myself. It is about the size of a salad plate. I know I have to stop the
>> water from coming in, but I am afraid to get up on the second story roof
>> to
>> investigate. Both afraid of falling, and of doing more damage to the roof
>> as I know nothing about roofing.
>> My mother looks up into this hole and goes on about being able to "see 
>> the
>> sky." Her answer to the problem is that I must get some man to fix it, so
>> she is not very helpful as a source for more sighted details.
>> My husband has a theory about this leak that I am not certain about. I 
>> may
>> have mentioned that home repair is not his forte? Anyway, he insists that
>> the light my mother is seeing is coming through the vent. He is referring
>> to the round vent things that have a fan in them for ventilation. He
>> claims
>> that the water is coming in through the vent and is normal. He tells me
>> that the other fan has a plastic pan under it to catch the water and that
>> this is why it does not have a similar leek. The water that leeks through
>> seems like a lot of water to be expected to just evaporate out of a
>> collection pan. My husband is suggesting that we just need to put in some
>> more insulation and repair the sheet rock.
>> I am willing to get up in the attic and try to access this area to get
>> more
>> information. I am just not certain that any repairs from that side will
>> really do any good, or of any safety precautions I need to take.
>> Such as perhaps turning off the electricity at the breaker box to avoid
>> any
>> possible live wires? Your input will be greatly appreciated. It will 
>> cause
>> a fight with my husband if I go ahead and call in a roofer after he has
>> said
>> we do not need one. I am willing to fight with him, but I prefer not to
>> whenever possible. I would love for him to be right about this.
>> Jennifer\
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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