OK, let's try this again....

Jennifer how about having your homeowners insurance carrier do an
inspection for you. You might be able to file a claim and have the work
done professionally done and maybe paid for as well. 

Original Message:
From: Bill Stephan wstep...@everestkc.net
Date: Thu, 05 Aug 2010 13:19:15 -0500
To: blindhandyman@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [BlindHandyMan] roof damage

Bill Stephan, 
Kansas City MO 
Email: wstep...@everestkc.net  
Phone: (816)803-2469

-original message-
Subject: [BlindHandyMan] roof damage
From: Jennifer Jackson <jennifer_jack...@cox.net>
Date: 08/05/2010 10:09

Good Morning,

I need some input on the condition of my roof and what my next step should
be.  There is a hole in the ceiling of an upstairs bedroom that is from a
water leak.  I have been up on a short ladder and checked this part out for
myself.  It is about the size of a salad plate.  I know I have to stop the
water from coming in, but I am afraid to get up on the second story roof to
investigate.  Both afraid of falling, and of doing more damage to the roof
as I know nothing about roofing.

My mother looks up into this hole and goes on about being able to "see the
sky." Her answer to the problem is that I must get some man to fix it, so
she is not very helpful as a source for more sighted details.

My husband has a theory about this leak that I am not certain about.  I may
have mentioned that home repair is not his forte?  Anyway, he insists that
the light my mother is seeing is coming through the vent.  He is referring
to the round vent things that have a fan in them for ventilation.  He claims
that the water is coming in through the vent and is normal.  He tells me
that the other fan has a plastic pan under it to catch the water and that
this is why it does not have a similar leek. The water that leeks through
seems like a lot of water to be expected to just evaporate out of a
collection pan.  My husband is suggesting that we just need to put in some
more insulation and repair the sheet rock.

I am willing to get up in the attic and try to access this area to get more
information.  I am just not certain that any repairs from that side will
really do any good, or of any safety precautions I need to take.  

Such as perhaps turning off the electricity at the breaker box to avoid any
possible live wires?  Your input will be greatly appreciated.  It will cause
a fight with my husband if I go ahead and call in a roofer after he has said
we do not need one.  I am willing to fight with him, but I prefer not to
whenever possible.  I would love for him to be right about this.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Jennifer how about having your homeowners insurance carrier do an
inspection for you. You might be able to file a claim and have the work
done professionally done and maybe paid for as well.

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