On Thu, May 23, 2024 at 11:53 AM 'Jonathan Njeunje' via blink-dev <
blink-dev@chromium.org> wrote:

> In anticipation of approval here, we have a small tool to help people
> validate their well-known files accessible at
> https://3pcd-mitigations-wrv.glitch.me.
> On Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 1:19:23 PM UTC-4 Anton Maliev wrote:
>> > Each grace period entry has its own expiration date, depending on when
>> the site applied for the deprecation trial.
>> To clarify, the currently published expiration date is June 30, but we
>> are assessing how grace periods will be used after that date. This feature,
>> though, is intended to help sites migrate off the grace period in a safe
>> way.
>> On Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 10:15:20 AM UTC-4 Anton Maliev wrote:
>>> > Will developers have a way of knowing if the current site (where they
>>> may see breakage metrics) is opted-out of the grace period?
>>> Google is planning to build a site dashboard where developers can check
>>> on the status of their grace period and opt-out values. In the interim,
>>> Chrome DevTools shows an Issue for third-party cookies which are allowed
>>> due to the grace period - this can be used to validate whether the grace
>>> period is active for that particular client.
>>> > Do you have a rough estimate on the length of the grace period? (I'm
>>> guessing this will not be relevant after it)
>>> That's correct, a site will no longer need an opt-out file after it is
>>> removed from the grace period. Each grace period entry has its own
>>> expiration date, depending on when the site applied for the deprecation
>>> trial. We will need to assess the demand for new sites onboarding to the
>>> trial before we can give an estimate on how long we will continue to
>>> support grace periods overall.
>>> On Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 3:56:15 AM UTC-4 Yoav Weiss wrote:
>>>> This is an odd one, but I agree that it's a web exposed feature and
>>>> hence should go through the blink process. Thanks for sending this!
>>>> On Tue, May 14, 2024 at 11:15 PM Anton Maliev <ama...@chromium.org>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Contact emails
>>>>> ama...@chromium.org
>>>>> nje...@chromium.org
>>>>> wande...@chromium.org
>>>>> Explainer
>>>>> https://github.com/explainers-by-googlers/3pcd-grace-period-opt-out
>>>>> Specification
>>>>> Well-known resource specification:
>>>>> https://github.com/explainers-by-googlers/3pcd-grace-period-opt-out/blob/main/well-known-specification.md
>>>>> Summary
>>>>> This proposal details a new mechanism for site developers to conduct a
>>>>> self-service staged opt-out of their third-party cookie phaseout grace
>>>>> period. This is intended primarily for Chrome’s active trials for
>>>>> third-party cookie deprecation - one for top-level sites
>>>>> <https://developers.google.com/privacy-sandbox/3pcd/temporary-exceptions/first-party-deprecation-trial>
>>>>> and one for embedded sites
>>>>> <https://developers.google.com/privacy-sandbox/3pcd/temporary-exceptions/third-party-deprecation-trial>.
>>>>> When a site is approved for one of these trials, they are added to a
>>>>> short-term grace period which mitigates breakage until the token is
>>>>> launched.  Sites may also use this opt-out to test long term solutions.
>>>>> Each site on the trial will specify their desired opt-out percentage
>>>>> in a new resource in their .well-known directory
>>>>> <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8615>, specified here
>>>>> <https://github.com/explainers-by-googlers/3pcd-deprecation-trial-staged-rollout/blob/main/well-known-specification.md>.
>>>>> Google will implement server infrastructure to fetch and update these
>>>>> values on a schedule, and assign clients randomly to cohorts matching this
>>>>> percentage. These cohorts persist for a client up until clearing site
>>>>> storage or reinstalling the browser.
>>>> Will developers have a way of knowing if the current site (where they
>>>> may see breakage metrics) is opted-out of the grace period?
>>>>> Blink component
>>>>> Privacy <https://b.corp.google.com/components/1457231>
>>>>> TAG review
>>>>> N/A
>>>>> TAG review status
>>>>> N/A
>>>>> Risks
>>>>> There aren’t inherent security implications for fetching external
>>>>> resources using server-side infrastructure, but there is a risk of 
>>>>> fetching
>>>>> bad data, which our implementation addresses.
>>>>> There are also privacy implications for randomly assigning clients to
>>>>> cohorts, which we mitigate by clearing cohorts on site data deletion. 
>>>>> There
>>>>> is also a risk that the fetching system fails or that a site loses access
>>>>> to its .well-known resource, both cases which we have planned mitigations
>>>>> for.
>>>>> Interoperability and Compatibility
>>>>> The third-party cookie deprecation trials are a Chrome feature, so
>>>>> these new well-known resources will only be fetched by the Chrome browser.
>>>>> The new resource will be distinct and will not interfere with any existing
>>>>> resources used by other browsers or features.
>>>> Beyond that, I think that the fact that this is a short-lived
>>>> capability also significantly reduces risk.
>>>> Do you have a rough estimate on the length of the grace period? (I'm
>>>> guessing this will not be relevant after it)
>>>>> WebView application risks
>>>>> Does this intent deprecate or change behavior of existing APIs, such
>>>>> that it has potentially high risk for Android WebView-based applications?
>>>>> No
>>>>> Debuggability
>>>>> N/A
>>>>> Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows,
>>>>> Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Android WebView)?
>>>>> All except WebView. (Third-party cookie deprecation launches don’t
>>>>> include WebView.)
>>>>> Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests
>>>>> <https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/main/docs/testing/web_platform_tests.md>
>>>>> ?
>>>>> No
>>>>> Flag name on chrome://flags
>>>>> N/A
>>>>> Finch feature name
>>>>> base::features::TpcdMetadataStageControl
>>>>> Non-finch justification
>>>>> N/A
>>>>> Requires code in //chrome?
>>>>> No. All code for the grace period and new staged opt-out handling is
>>>>> in //components/tpcd/metadata
>>>>> <https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:components/tpcd/metadata/>
>>>>> .
>>>>> Estimated milestones
>>>>> Client support is shipping to M125 on May 14.  Server-side file
>>>>> processing will begin some time after that date.  A separate notice will 
>>>>> be
>>>>> sent when that process begins.
>>>>> Anticipated spec changes
>>>>> None
>>>>> Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status
>>>>> https://chromestatus.com/feature/5205350707101696
>>>>> Links to previous Intent discussions
>>>>> Intent to prototype:
>>>>> https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/O9mh5XvbqqE/m/IyK22zHkAAAJ
>>>>> --
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>>>>> Groups "blink-dev" group.
>>>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
>>>>> an email to blink-dev+unsubscr...@chromium.org.
>>>>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>>>>> https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/msgid/blink-dev/CAODhGg7m2ARTr5%3DxE0Jex1bcmQ2ySUZRa%3DJSWpW6UuX56sD5Yg%40mail.gmail.com
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>>>>> .
>>>> --
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