On Tue, 22 Nov 2016, Dave Taht wrote:

I would like to see the industries most affected by bufferbloat - voip/videoconferencing/gaming,web gain a good recognition of the problem, how to fix it, and who to talk to about it (router makers and ISPs)

It would be great if the realtime communications people (gaming, video, audio etc) had some kind of help page where people could be pointed to understand the problem.

I saw a Youtube video btw, where they had problems with gaming because "I'm uploading a youtube video at the same time as I am gaming, stupid me". People don't even realise this is not the way it has to be.

My take on this is that the problem is fairly well understood in "our" circles, but the wider audience still doesn't know, and even if they know, there is nowhere to go to fix it.

If we can find a product that solves the gaming community problem (they're one of the people who have "ping" in their applications and who immediately notices when it's bad), we could perhaps approach someone prominent in that gaming community and making a video on how to solve the problem.

"Look here, I did <X> and now I can game and upload a youtube video at the same time without problems!!!!1111oneoneone"

Mikael Abrahamsson    email: swm...@swm.pp.se
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