> On 23 Nov, 2016, at 20:46, David Lang <da...@lang.hm> wrote:
> Do you need a device that ships with the fixes in it from the factory?

I think this is what we should aim for.  That would greatly simplify 
installation for Joe Average, and it could serve as an anchor point in the 
wider industry.

Ideally, it would have official mutual support with LEDE or OpenWRT, so that 
updates to the latter automatically propagate.  Even if it takes a month 
between writing a patch and being sure it’s reached end-users, that’s still a 
major improvement over the status quo.

It’s much harder to rely on firmware replacement on existing devices, because 
the latter can change hardware on the same model number without notice, or 
simply discontinue manufacture in favour of a new model.  That makes a 
minefield for networking novices to wade through.  So it’s fine for 
experimentation among ourselves, and for a certain type of early-adopter, but 
not for the average gamer.

 - Jonathan Morton

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