On Wed, Nov 28, 2018 at 11:36 PM Jonathan Morton <chromati...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 29 Nov, 2018, at 9:28 am, Mikael Abrahamsson <swm...@swm.pp.se> wrote:
> >
> > This is one thing about L4S, ETC(1) is the last "codepoint" in the header 
> > not used, that can statelessly identify something. If anyone sees a better 
> > way to use it compared to "let's put it in a separate queue and CE-mark it 
> > agressively at very low queue depths and also do not care about re-ordering 
> > so a ARQ L2 can re-order all it wants", then they need to speak up, soon.
> You are essentially proposing using ECT(1) to take over an intended function 
> of Diffserv.  In my view, that is the wrong approach.  Better to improve 
> Diffserv to the point where it becomes useful in practice.  Cake has taken 
> steps in that direction, by implementing some reasonable interpretation of 
> some Diffserv codepoints.
> My alternative use of ECT(1) is more in keeping with the other codepoints 
> represented by those two bits, to allow ECN to provide more fine-grained 
> information about congestion than it presently does.  The main challenge is 
> communicating the relevant information back to the sender upon receipt, 
> ideally without increasing overhead in the TCP/IP headers.

I felt that using this bit up as a separate indicator of an alternate
algorithm in play for indicating congestion was a pretty good idea...
but no-one was listening at the time.

>  - Jonathan Morton
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