Hi Tobias, Noel, and everybody

when we move this to Sourceforge, which will require some investigation,
we can take care of these things.
Currently, the Wiki lives on my site at Cologne.

I remember that there were some limitations for running mediawiki on SF.
Not sure if they still exists.
If someone has time to install mediawiki in our bo webspace on SF, I'll
really appreciate it. Then, the existing MySQL tables can easily be move
from Cologne to into the SF MySQL.



Tobias Kind wrote:
> Hi Noel,
> Thanks for the links. Regarding the BO WIKI I think it should be possible
> to edit content for registered and known and active people. Web 2.0 time!
> So if I want to add some stuff on the news page
> It should posibble for me to do that after I was cleared by the BO WIKI
> admin.
> I would not add spam and the admin always has the right to remove content
> anyway.
> Maybe this would bring more life into the BO website.
> Some important parts like agenda, aims and strategies can be protected from
> edit by users,
> I think most input comes from blogs anyway, but a clear collection
> of aims, links, agendas on the BO website is needed.
> Regarding the Blueobelisk.org style (is this the main site?)
> I like it to have stome static LINKs, like the old plone page from CUBIC
> http://almost.cubic.uni-koeln.de/jrg/
> You have Strategy and Agenda, People, Projects, News etc.
> These plone templates for research groups are usually well designed.
> Kind regards
> Tobias
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What is man but that lofty spirit - that sense of enterprise.
... Kirk, "I, Mudd," stardate 4513.3..
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