
Today's topics:

* Launch of Bharat Uday Magazine - for central team's approval - 1 messages, 1
* Magazine for Bharat Uday Mission - 1 messages, 1 author
* central database | ??????? ??????? - 3 messages, 3 authors
* The urgent need for peace and sanity. - 1 messages, 1 author
* Salute You Mom !!!! - A womans' day gift. - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Launch of Bharat Uday Magazine - for central team's approval

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 7 2006 11:38 pm 
From: "????? ?????"  

mukesh, this is goos initiaive. however you did not tell whethe will it
be available only online or also in print. if in print, how much copies
will be printed, how and where will they be distributed, how much will
be the printing costs and how will they be financed.
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??????, ????? ????? ???? ??
???? ??????? ???? ??????

TOPIC: Magazine for Bharat Uday Mission

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 7 2006 11:49 pm 
From: "????? ?????"  

????? ??? ???? ??????
??????? ?????? ??? ????
??? ???? ??????? ??
??????? ?? ??????? ??????
??? ????? ?? ??? ????

TOPIC: central database | ??????? ???????

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 8 2006 1:30 am 
From: "????? ?????"  

just for curiosity, is there some central databse / directory of all BM
chapters and its members available with telephone numbers?
???? ??????? ???? ??
??????? ?? ?????? ??????
?? ??? ??? ???? ?????? ???

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 8 2006 2:30 pm 
From: "Moderator BharatUdayMission"  

For Chapters is there but not phone nos. as of now. We will be doing this
work. For chapters, In files section of main group you can find under
oraganization folder.


On 3/8/06, ????? ????? <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> just for curiosity, is there some central databse / directory of all BM
> chapters and its members available with telephone numbers?
> ------
> ???? ??????? ???? ??
> ??????? ?? ?????? ??????
> ?? ??? ??? ???? ?????? ???

"We have only one Passion
The Rise of a Great Nation."

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 8 2006 9:06 am 

 Please share knwledge of how you type in Hindi. We can view text in
Hindi but not type.

Thanks and Regards,

TOPIC: The urgent need for peace and sanity.

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 7 2006 10:42 pm 
From: Jagannath Chatterjee  

  Dear Friends,
  Let us pray that our country rises to the occasion and peace 
  prevails. Now is the time to unite and not fight. We are all
  intelligent people. Let us respond intelligently.
  May Mother India prevail on ALL her children to forge universal
  brotherhood.  Remember; united we stand, divided we fall.
  With earnest prayers,
  From: "tayyabaabidin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  ate: Wed Mar 8, 2006  2:16 am 
Subject: Re: Hindus and Muslims. 
As the bomb blast in a temple in Varanasi sends the whole of UP on  high alert 
,for possible communal disturbances  and the news before  that of communal 
riots marring the picturesque landscape of Goa  -  sent a chill down my spine, 
I turned for solace, not towards the  words of Politicians or Policemen of the 
country, but towards the  words of the members of the Indian society on various 
networks.      I feel a country need not give up hope so long as there exists a 
 society which has a conscience and has an inward monitor which  refuses to 
endorse evil and wickedness. Being a member of various  and diverse groups on 
the net and reading the views of the members  of the Indian society, I can well 
say that I have full faith in our  enlightened society which discriminates 
between wickedness and  virtue, taking offence at all cruel acts.I think it is 
a great  blessing of God to this country, which has defused lessons of love  
and understanding through Sanskrit, Hindi, Persian and Urdu.
 Where  Mahatma Gandhi gave the call of truth and Ahinsa to the world at  
large; where profuse literature is available on all religions and  
humanitarianism in hundreds of languages. I have palpated the true  worth of 
human life and dignity in these messages of hope and love  by the Indian 
community, whether they are of any religion or creed  or caste.    When such 
anti-national activities of terrorism are committed, India  can only give one 
message to the world - not by its Politicians or  its government but by the  
common Indian- the modern man who  realises the dignity of human life and so 
enjoins in the service of  humanity, endorsing the equality of human beings as 
the creation of  one Omnipotent God. Such a sublime message can only come from 
the  people of India - where our rich heritage instils in us a sense of  human 
dignity .    I appeal to my non-Muslim friends , particularly the educated and  
the Intellectuals, to save the country from frightful anarchy and  moral
 depression which is fast spreading in the country. I also  appeal to my Muslim 
friends, that they should give up the  misconception that the responsibility 
for India's prosperity lies  mainly on the shoulders of the majority community 
or the political  party which holds the reigns of the government.In fact, we 
the  Muslims of India, can play a pivotal role in bringing about a  healthier 
social order in our homeland. Our tenets and teachings  already provide us 
guidance to do so.    With Regards  Dr. Tayyaba Abidin Qidwai


From: "Dr N Bhashyam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Date: Wed Mar 8, 2006  2:55 am 
Subject: Re: [issuesonline] Hindus and Muslims. drnbhashyam 
 Send Email 
 Invite to Yahoo! 360º 
It is time people realise that these disturbances
 are the handy work of anti social elements  
who have no lovefor human beings and religion   
for them is to rouse animal passion which they use 
for their own selfish purpose.In the name of 
justice they engage ib spreading hatred and 
animosity among the common people who crave for 
peace to carry on with their daily life.
People shouldsee through the game of our leaders
 and vote them out,irrespective of party 
affiliation,  at the next election to ensure peace in the country.

  >  > Dear Friends,  >  > It is a shame that even today we fight in the name 
of religion.  While  > we fight, our Prophets embrace each other in heaven.  >  
> The world is today beset with so many problems that affect good  people  > of 
ALL religions equally. Let us unite to tackle those problems.  When  > we all 
are gone then who will be left to fight? What will be the  issue  > to fight 
upon?  >  > Criticising any religion is not good. The trend today is even  
worse,  > the Muslims criticise Islam and the Hindus criticise Hinduism.  This 
is  > difficult to fathom. But over and above all that, as humans we  have  > 
forgotten Humanism. That is the worst tragedy.  >  > Love & Regards,  > 
Jagannath.  >      

    "Our ideal is not the spirituality that withdraws from life but the 
conquest of life by the power of the spirit." -  Aurobindo.

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TOPIC: Salute You Mom !!!! - A womans' day gift.

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 7 2006 11:34 pm 
From: Jagannath Chatterjee  

      The ideal teacher            
APS Malhotra salutes his mother for the work she has done in shaping the 
destiny of countless women
Development continues to be a cruel phenomenon. Despite being a progressive 
person, I concur with the old ways of living, which, I believe, would have been 
high on the parameters of happiness - albeit low on what the present generation 
calls progress. Although we are conquering new and ever expanding frontiers, 
the values that nurtured our existence as a society with strong moral fibre are 
getting ripped apart.

    When I compare the current social milieu with its obvious deficiencies to 
the earlier generation, the downslide is quite astounding. A personal tribute 
to one of the most important women in my life will bring things in a clearer 
    Being an exceptionally strong woman, my mother is one of the forerunners of 
a period when women were coming out of the closet to take their first tentative 
steps in what was till then the man's world. After completing her 
post-graduation from a university of repute, she taught in a government school 
in Delhi for more than three decades.
    Despite working outside and managing a home simultaneously, she continued 
to study to get two more PG degrees - taking the final tally to a hat trick. 
The additional income, needless to say, contributed substantially to the family 
    Her students, especially girls, came from economically weaker sections of 
society. Going beyond the call of duty, she often counselled recalcitrant 
parents to allow their girls to complete their education. This was the only 
step, she emphasised, that would provide them a life of dignity and 
    Today, more than four decades after she joined the teaching profession - 
and a decade after she retired - she often meets her students. Considering that 
in such an extended career she would have taught thousands of students, who 
would now be spread all over Delhi and beyond, it is no surprise that she often 
bumps into one of them. After each such encounter, she recalls the experience 
enthusiastically, with her eyes full of pride and face sparkling with 
    She is more than 70 years of age now and her movements restricted by 
chronic arthritis, but her zest for life remains undiminished. She is still a 
beacon of hope and optimism, exuding a positive energy that is both spontaneous 
and infectious. She remains a firm believer in the goodness that flows through 
every human being, although we might not always be able to perceive that. 
    Today, when I see sundry women's rights activists spawning like the 
proverbial moths after a spell of heavy rain, I can't but admire the work done 
by scores of dedicated women like my mother. These women, though unsung, were 
the true pioneers who laid the trail on which future generations now tread.
    When I contemplate the sheer number of girls whose destiny was shaped by my 
mother, the true extent of her work sinks in. This is what can be referred to 
as true empowerment of women. I salute you mom, as do countless others.

    "Our ideal is not the spirituality that withdraws from life but the 
conquest of life by the power of the spirit." -  Aurobindo.

Yahoo! Mail
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