
Hopefully you can give some advice or at least let me know a contact who might 
assist, on January the 1st Tasmania will come under the new Work Health and 
Safety Legislation that is being used in most other Australian states, Victoria 
has its own legislation and I believe South Australia are still working towards 
implementation .

With this in mind it has been decided that we need to update our Contractor 
Induction so I was wondering how do other hospitals  manage this? Do you for 
example have an induction day for all your contractors, do you use a power 
point presentation, provide them with a document that they must sign notifying 
them that they will abide by all rules and regulations etc.

Also does anyone use Mercury computers BEIMS-Visitor Registration System if so 
how do you find it as a tool? Does it do what you want?

Any help greatly appreciated.



John Porter
Team Leader Electrical/Mechanical
Building & Engineering
Launceston General Hospital

Mob: 0419146979
Ph: 03 6348 7433
Fx: 03 6348 7430

Email: john.por...@dhhs.tas.gov.au<mailto:john.por...@dhhs.tas.gov.au>


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