Hello all,


Just a follow up from an earlier post


Still looking for a replacement for the Graseby MR10

Things that have come to my attention these two, the Respisense and the
"snuza", both seem work the same way.






These are available in the community but not sure if they are used in
the Hospital setting and I can't see that they have TGA approval
although they have CE mark and TUV.


What are those of you with nurseries and paeds wards intending to use as
a replacement for the MR10 in the future?



Ray Bowles

Manager - Biomedical Engineering

Goulburn Valley Health  I  Graham Street  I SHEPPARTON VIC 3630

t: 03 5832 3130  I  f: 03 5832 2013  I  m: 0407 322  037 

I  e: ray.bow...@gvhealth.org.au  I w: www.gvhealth.org.au



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