The BMW UUC Digest 
Volume 2 : Issue 256 : "text" Format

Messages in this Issue:
  <e39> tranny flush
  Break Fluid Contaminated
  Re: Break Fluid Contaminated
  Re: <e39> tranny flush
  Re: S$$$ happens
  Re: Manners (was S$$$ happens)


Date: Sat, 3 Jul 2004 22:02:29 -0700
From: John Bolhuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: <e39> tranny flush

 I flushed the fluid today in my 528's auto tranny today at 76k miles. 
It was quite brown, but not really awful yet.  Long story short, all 4 
corners are on jackstands when I start it up to check things out.  When 
I put it in gear, the rear wheels turn slowly, but there's a rhythmic 
clunking, like something is very wrong with the CV joints.  Inspection 
reveals the suspension bushings clunking back and forth for some reason 
as the wheels go round.  More worrisome, the wheels won't speed up when 
I step on the gas a little.  There must be a lot of air stuck in the 
system, I think.
 Yet after I put the car on the ground, it drove just fine.  It was 2 
hours later while having dinner when I blurted out to my wife, "traction 

 "It is an honor to be Cookie Monster."
   -Sesame Street spokeswoman Audrey Shapiro 


Date: Sun, 4 Jul 2004 00:49:19 -0500
From: "Celisa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Break Fluid Contaminated

I wanted to ask had anyone ever heard of the brake fluid becoming
contaminated? A friend of mine, her brake light came on at certain times,
and she said it was the weather at first. They changed her brake fluid and
said it was purple and contaminated, imaginine that.

'99 328is
Lone Star Chapter


Date: Sun, 4 Jul 2004 08:13:39 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
From: Maverick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Break Fluid Contaminated


Brake fluid can become contaminated, usually with moisture from the atmosphere.  It 
can also become contaminated via the brake booter if it fails, it can allow oil vapors 
from the engine get in there via the master cylinder...very rare and you would know 
because you would not have any power boost for the brakes.

The main cause of contamination of break fluid is using one of the quick lube places 
and they put the wrong fluid in the brake system...too common of a mistake from what I 
hear.  If that is the case, then the entire system needs flushed and all seals, 
gaskets, etc need replaced to be sure of having brakes when you need them.  Any fluid 
other than approved brake fluid can damage the rubber parts and cause a failure, even 
if the fluid has been changed.  If that is the cause, find a lawyer and go after 
whoever did it, if it was self inflicted, well a hard lesson is now learned.

The only brake fluid that I have seen that is purple from the get go is the Dow 
Silicone MilSpec stuff I used to use in my Toyota.  Cannot be used with regular fluid 
and has it's own set of issues, but it does not absorb water.

Well, I don't know if I really answered your question, but I am sure somebody on here 

David in Richmond, VA

-----Original Message-----
From: Celisa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Jul 4, 2004 1:49 AM
Subject: [UUC]  Break Fluid Contaminated

I wanted to ask had anyone ever heard of the brake fluid becoming
contaminated? A friend of mine, her brake light came on at certain times,
and she said it was the weather at first. They changed her brake fluid and
said it was purple and contaminated, imaginine that.

'99 328is
Lone Star Chapter


In memory of Michel Potheau - friend, enthusiast, founder of the BMW CCA.

UUC Motorwerks - BMW Performance Fine-tuning and home of the Ultimate
Short Shifter - accept no substitutes!
908-874-9092 .


Date: Sun, 4 Jul 2004 07:14:39 -0400
From: "Gary Derian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: <e39> tranny flush

I've done the same thing, John.
Gary Derian

> I flushed the fluid today in my 528's auto tranny today at 76k miles. 
> It was quite brown, but not really awful yet.  Long story short, all 4 
> corners are on jackstands when I start it up to check things out.  When 
> I put it in gear, the rear wheels turn slowly, but there's a rhythmic 
> clunking, like something is very wrong with the CV joints.  Inspection 
> reveals the suspension bushings clunking back and forth for some reason 
> as the wheels go round.  More worrisome, the wheels won't speed up when 
> I step on the gas a little.  There must be a lot of air stuck in the 
> system, I think.
>  Yet after I put the car on the ground, it drove just fine.  It was 2 
> hours later while having dinner when I blurted out to my wife, "traction 
> control!"
> :)


Date: Sun, 04 Jul 2004 11:29:16 -0700
From: Roger Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: S$$$ happens

True, a few bad apples always spoil it for the bunch and I have seen it 
from the drivers perspective. What do these auto drivers think they're 
doing? Playing cop with a riders life in their hands? This makes them 
feel smart or justified? Will they feel good sitting in a courtroom 
trying to justify their actions after they splatter some rider? It's not 
unheard of on the West coast for a cop to give auto drivers a ticket for 
unsafe lane change or swerving if they hit a bike.

 I'd say that most (if not all) m/c riders also drive and any smart 
rider who has matured past the 18yr old testosterone phase probably has 
thought of how this looks from the auto drivers point of view. How many 
of these lame auto drivers have ever tried to look at this from the 
motorcyclists point of view? Call is East vs West or whatever you like, 
but lane splitting here on the West is more a rule than exception. When 
traffic suddenly slows and that 2.5 Ton SUV in your mirror isn't 
slowing, I'm not going to sit there & pray for the driver to slow. 
Couple that with miles of 5 MPH LA traffic and there's more than enough 
incentive (you'll even see most m/c cops do this too). Sure, there are 
always going to be the newbies who decide to lane split at 50 when 
traffic is sitting still and they'll get what's coming if they keep 
doing it. I just get tired of seeing illogical & discourteous drivers 
and riders both making these stupid moves, especially the drivers 
playing cop and trying not to let anyone pass them regardless of how 
slow they're going & how many cars they're holding up.

"Rob Levinson * UUC Motorwerks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Maybe because some bikers are inconsiderate and blow by at much more
>than 10mph, under conditions where the car driver could not have seen
>them, and often with no consideration of the car driver's safety.  I
>even suspect those that are likely to do that are more likely to lane
>split in the first place, so it's an inordinately large percentage.
>It's those few bad apples that spoil it for the rest, as always.
>Not saying it's right for drivers to take vindictive or obstructive
>action, but you have to understand how they see it.
>This is a hot topic, and possibly a West/East coast thing.  As a
>driver and rider in NJ, I don't understand why anyone would
>deliberately ride between two cars just a few feet apart, regardless
>of what's "legal".  
>The risk to the rider is his own free will to take, but the risk to
>my car is my own right to defend.  A cowboy rider who hit my car
>while lane-splitting would be in much bigger trouble than his
>injuries... I'd sue him for reckless endangerment until his Nikes
>were the only ride he had left.
>- Rob
>(Hates drivers while riding, and everyone when driving.)


Date: Sun, 4 Jul 2004 14:31:39 -0500
From: "Karl Zemlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Manners (was S$$$ happens)

"I just get tired of seeing illogical & discourteous drivers ... "

Here in Indianapolis (and elsewhere, I'm sure) I'm amazed how many people
put their manners in the glovebox when they drive.  I hit my turn signal to
change lanes, and the bozo behind me in the left lane punches the gas to
close up the gap.  I'm not trying to slip in to a 1.2 car length gap - just
a normal lane change.

Would that person run ahead of me & slam the door in my face if there was a
chance I might enter the grocery store before them, or cut me off with their
shopping cart to make sure I don't get to the Corn Flakes first?

COME ON PEOPLE - we should have a common goal here.  Get to where we're
going safely, efficiently, and with the least amount of stress possible.

I'll hold the door if you're behind me as we enter the store, and I will
open a gap for you if I see a turn signal.


End of [bmwuucdigest] digest(6 messages)

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