Thorsten Behrens wrote (28-03-13 19:57)
Robinson Tryon wrote:
We're looking to purchase some swag and goodies for the contest. Some
of the ideas we've come up with have included:
- T-Shirts
- Mugs
- Posters
- Pens
- Pins
- Patches
- Hoodies
- Laptop cases

Great! If you get designs finalized for those, please do poke
board-discuss - I guess there is some universal need for that.

I had a thousand stickers produced last year. Was not difficult to distribute those (including FOSDEM).
Design here:

When I would order 10.000, the cost per sticker (for a batch of a certain amount, shipping included would be ):
Amount    Europe    World
100       12          12
300       10,3        11
600       10,2        10,8
(Ordering 5000, would raise the price for one sticker app. 4 c)

And a small amount of mugs.
Design here:

Shipping of those is more expensive, so production best done local/regional, I guess.


 - Cor

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