Hi Telesto,

Am 05.09.2020 um 20:32 schrieb Telesto:
> This would give membership some actual advantage, I think.
You provided really good ideas how to improve the rights of the members.
And to be honest: the system is getting improved, although very slowly.
For example last year we were voting for the location of the next
LibreOffice Conference 2020. In 2017 there was a discussion about the
mascot (sorry, yes again), if only members should be allowed to vote.
What I want to show: there are ongoing thoughts and actions how to
enhance the membership. It is not a club to have yet another plastic
card in your pocket (to get 10% discount).

And yes, the system is far from perfect but it is improving.

And yes, more transparency would be better, but really: see the SIS /
TDC stuff: the board is trying to change. But also understand: we
(neither the board of directors, nor the membership committee) is voted
in to a board as a new full time job. Board members (BoD+MC) do this
next to their normal job (doesn't matter if the job is connected to
LibreOffice at any kind) and private life.

Best regards,

Dennis Roczek

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