
Am 14.01.22 um 19:14 schrieb Simon Phipps:
Hi Sophie,

I appreciate your comment here and (with some fear) have to respond to
amplify it.

On Fri, Jan 14, 2022 at 11:14 AM sophi <so...@libreoffice.org> wrote:

    On my point of view, it was not about achieving market dominance but
    about solidarity. And TDF has failed here, again on my point of view.

Yes, I have to agree with you. Freedom, equality and solidarity used
to be the norm at TDF. Over the last couple of years that has largely
ended at the Foundation level (fortunately our community still has
many parts where this is not true). This has led to progress grinding
to a halt through mistrust. For example, both TDC and LOOL were ended
just at the point where the external conditions suggested they were
going to flourish. Little has been achieved in their place as you
observe, and as the tired bickering in this thread illustrates.

Egalitarianism was replaced by turning inwards to fight unproductively
among those privileged to be allowed information - and in the process
to slander those involved before. As a result of this the Foundation
has turned even more closed, with Board inflighting leaving the
Trustees in the dark while the arguments went on. There has
consequently been no spirit of solidarity to harness to do good
outside the project. As you say, that is tragic, and I really
appreciate your observation of it.

If TDF is to satisfy its mission this has to stop. The new Board has a
huge opportunity and responsibility to put all this behind them and
lead positively. It must shun divisiveness and seek ways to rekindle
solidarity by emphasizing equality and promoting freedom. This will
not be done treating the motivations of some participants as suspect!
In fact almost everyone is pursuing an "interest", almost by
definition in a collaborative community!

Sure, without following an interest you wouldn't participate and invest
your live time in that community.

But at least if you are a member of a charity's body you need to be open
and transparent about such interests and rethink, if following them
foster the objectives of the organization. If following your interest
(commercial or non-commercial) is in opposite to that, a member of the
body has to put his interest last. If she / he is not able to follow
such rule, she / he shouldn't reconsider his membership, because
otherwise she / he most probably will get very soon into the situation
to violate her / his duty as a member of the body.

In short: if you wear to hats (TDF / personal interest) you as a member
of a body has to wear the TDF hat in the first place.


## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
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