Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 09/04/2022 14:17:

In an ideal world we would have volunteers with 20 years knowledge and
100% spare time. Unfortunately bills need to be paid and we need to
care about the ecosystem. At least not to work against them.
Yes, TDF needs to care about the ecosystem, but that ecosystem should be
divers and not dominated by only one or two companies.

Of course it is good when there are more companies and more paid developers involved. And I think, looking from where we came (OpenOffice.org with one company having ~all the saying and control) I understand your concerns about a balance. Also I think we did a wonderful job by how we set up TDF: it brings together all sort of stakeholders, people with all sorts of interest in the software we develop and makes sure that it is impossible that any single entity has a power that comes only close to what was in the past: representation in ESC, Board, MC from one single entity is max 33%.

And how much we as TDF can work to make the community an attractive place to be and to invest, so little influence we have on how the software market will develop. As is the case for our ecosystem partners too. But business people look to the world with different eyes, searching for or creating opportunities, which is an art on its own. No doubt, it is pretty hard for a community, foundation, as TDF, to have influence on the powers in the market, other then what we do by our open development, efforts in mentoring, and the possibilities and demands of the software license. And of course by tendering parts of development that are good for the whole project, but apparently are not picked up y community/ecosystem developers. And probably there is even a place for in house development to help areas that mostly left orphaned.

Our tenders also bring in a possibility for (relative) new-comers to find a place in the community. Tenders have a clear description, people around that can give more info, a number of expected number of days involved (as set by the ESC and/or developer providing info on the wiki). Getting more involved in the development of the software, for sure is one thing that may help growing a position in the market around LibreOffice.

And while not always perfect, I'm convinced that we are doing a great job in working in a fair, compliant, and transparent way. This is of major importance to help that people and companies feel welcome. Actions that may give the impression that companies are seen as threat, are not.

Thus TDF needs to
work on a strategy to solve this issue and attract more supplier (small,
mid sized or big). One strategy to get ahead on this topic could it be
to contract full-time developer (by TDF).

Indeed, I really look forward to spent my time for TDF/the BoD on the real needs of our community: how do we get more people in, more developers, more companies that put trust in us.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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