My thanks to all those who offered advice on the horrendous squeal when I 
turned the audio gain up over a quarter of the way.

It was, in fact, the bypass capacitor in the audio stage.  Glen Zook identified 
the exact one for me too.  This morning about 1 a.m. because I couldn't sleep, 
I opened up the 101 and replaced the capacitor.  Fired up the rig and no more 
squeal.   The next fix moves to the HP23 power supply.  Even with the volume 
completely down, there is a noticable hum ...   and we all know what that hum 
is characteristic of.  HI HI.     So, filter caps in the power supply are next.
But after replacing the bypass ... I was greeted by the rush of a radio with no 
antenna connected.  I then crawled into bed and went to sleep.    :)

It could be a little while before the filter replacement is accomplished.   We 
have a parts store here in Salt Lake called Ra Elco.  It is literally a heaven 
for those who need parts at a reasonable price.  It started out as a ham store 
where us newbies would go to drool over the used gear and dream.   Then it 
changed to a Lafayette outlet, before finally transforming into a parts store 
which would put even Radio Shack to shame.    Anyhow, we turned on the news a 
couple weeks ago, and watched the report and video of the store up in flames, 
which started somehow overnight.    About a third of the store was engulfed.   
The owners vow they will recover and get back in business ... but in the 
meantime, I'll have to scrounge through the shack to see if I can scrape 
together some filter caps and hope RaElco gets back in business soon.  You 
could almost hear the groans of anguish from all the hams and repair shops in 
the state and a couple nearby states too...
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