
Regarding devlop vs master, Marshall Clow (the Release Manager) has asked what we want to do with the changes waiting in develop w.r.t. the upcoming 1.65, those current status is:

"Release open for bug fixes and documentation updates. Other changes by permission of a release manager."

As far as the bug fixes are concerned, the get_data issue has been merged into master. There could be some merges in the documentation (for installation related issues). Provided I find a way to generate it locally. I just realized https://github.com/boostorg/mpi/pull/40 got lost in the process but I'm going to merge it on it's own. So the patch/doc aspect being dealt with, what about the new features ?

Unless I'm missing something (been a long time), the current diff between develop and master mostly consist of:
- the cartesian communicators.
- new all_<gather>[v]
- less visible changes, factorization ...

These are clearly not bug fixes, but some people have been waiting for it a few years now. Especially for the cartesian communicator.

There are pros and cons merging them now, as it has already been discussed. And the decision does not belong to us, but It would be interesting to have everyone's input on this specific situation. Should we merge before the 1.65 or make it a bug fix and merge after the release (unless there is a opposition) and let those change mature in master for some time (but still be able to work on develop, which I do not fell comfortable doing so with so many differences between develop and master).

I'm oky with both (as long as the merge in made relatively quickly so we can move on) with a slight preference for keeping 1.65 a bug fix release.



On 15/07/2017 14:08, Alain Miniussi via Boost-mpi wrote:

On 15/07/2017 14:05, Alain Miniussi via Boost-mpi wrote:

I just realized that people with a platform boost installed had their 1.64 distrib building for the wrong reasons... (as long as a "correct" get_data is included, it can come from /usr...).

So, considering:

a) Since the 1.65 process is ongoing, huge merges should be avoided.
b) The lib needs to live on, develop should be merge quickly so that we can get some work done.
c) The 1.65 should build for good reason.
d) current fixes for the get_data issue are in merges against develop.

What about the following proposal:

I will manually merge the minimal subset of https://github.com/boostorg/mpi/pull/47 that get master passing the test even when no boost header are present in /usr/include.

It's in branch get_data_fix for those interested. Any issue/build report is welcomed.

Then, short after 1.65 is out, develop will be merged into master unless someone has issues with it.

People can already have a look at https://github.com/boostorg/mpi/pull/46 and https://github.com/boostorg/mpi/pull/48.

I'll answer to the todo list question in another mail.


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