"Philippe A. Bouchard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message


> int main()
> {
>     optional<B> b;
>     optional<C> c;
>     foo(b);
>     //foo(c);
> }

BTW implicit cast to reference types are not implicit under GCC, they have
to be called explicitly.  Template casts do not seem to be defined in the

template <typename T>
    struct optional
        template <typename U>
            operator optional<U> const & () const
                return * reinterpret_cast<optional<U> const *>(static_cast<U
const *>(reinterpret_cast<T const *>(storage_)));


inline void foo(optional<A> const &)

int main()
    optional<B> b;

    foo(b.template operator optional<A> const & <A> ());

Also, the advantage of casts to reference types is that they do not create
any temporary objects implicitly.  I do not see in what it can be dangerous.

What do you think?

Philippe A. Bouchard

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