"Philippe A. Bouchard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió en el mensaje
> "Philippe A. Bouchard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> [...]
> > int main()
> > {
> >     optional<B> b;
> >     optional<C> c;
> >
> >     foo(b);
> >     //foo(c);
> > }
> BTW implicit cast to reference types are not implicit under GCC, they have
> to be called explicitly.

Yes, this is the conformant behaviour AFAIK

>Template casts do not seem to be defined in the
> standard...:
> template <typename T>
>     struct optional
>     {
>         template <typename U>
>             operator optional<U> const & () const
>             {
>                 return * reinterpret_cast<optional<U> const
> const *>(reinterpret_cast<T const *>(storage_)));
>             }
>     ...
>  };
This is seriously wrong:

(a) reinrepret_cast<> has implementation-defined behaviour,
which means that is totally useless in portable code.

(b) you don't need reinterpret_cast<> to obtain a 'T const*'
from the aligned_storage whithin the optional: look at the optional code.

(c) EXTREMELY WRONG: you're converting a pointer to aligned_storage<>
into a pointer to optional<>, !!! but aligned_storage is a _data_member_
of optional!!!

> inline void foo(optional<A> const &)
> {
> }
> int main()
> {
>     optional<B> b;
>     //foo(b);
>     foo(b.template operator optional<A> const & <A> ());
> }
> Also, the advantage of casts to reference types is that they do not create
> any temporary objects implicitly.
But does not create a new objet either!
A conversion is REQUIRED to give a NEW OBJECT,
otherwise there's no conversion at all: since the object remains exactly
the same, you just BROKE the type system by binding a reference of a
completely unrelated type to the same object.
The only case when you can do something _similar_, that is, when
you can't do a _convertion_ but you can do a _cast_, is when the
reference type (or pointer type, for that matter) is of the type of a
non-ambiguous accesible base-class subobject
(because the object dynamic type is covariant with the
reference/pointer static-type).

> I do not see in what it can be dangerous.
I do :-)
And I see the danger in reinterpret_cast<>; stay away from it.

> What do you think?
Please, read my original response to David Held and look carefully at
the optional implementation.
As I said, you could only get half away with such a _conversion_ if you
purposedly _slice_ the U subobject out of a T object
(if U is in fact a subobject of T), and wrap it into a NEW optional.
But you can't go back to a T, so this is not polymorphism, is straight up
conversion, just like converting a long double to a short loosing
along the way all the bits that don't fit.

Fernando Cacciola

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