"Dirk Gerrits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> At what cost? The strings you generate are indeed very readable, but
> specializing spelling for every type that might be a template parameter
> someday seems like too much of a burden to me.
> Others might disagree though...

I think that is a problem too. Maybe a macro could make things easier:

#define DECLARE_SPELLABLE( a_type ) \
template<> class spelling<a_type> { public: static const std::string
result; }; \
const std::string spelling<my_enum>::result = #a_type

but this should be preferrable be put in headers, so why not make the static
data into a function instead?
Like this:

template< typename T >
class spelling
    const string& result() const
       static const string res = ..;
       return res;

And the macro could be changed accordingly.



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