At 03:25 PM 6/25/2003, Rene Rivera wrote:
>>* Boosters for whom English isn't their primary language; is the license

>Spanish is my first, but English is a very close second. The impression I
>got is that it's somewhat hard to parse as it is. I had to read the second
>"paragraph" a few times before I managed to parse out the different parts

>of it.
>The main difficulty in the first part (the first two "paragraphs") is the
>the lists in it are inconsistent and hard to see which are the items. For
>example, the switching from simple items to adding "and" in some of them
>threw me. I was expecting the list to end, but it did not. The second
>paragraph is long; and without any separators other than the commas it's
>hard to read.
>Here's an edited version which might be better for non-english readers to

I think the approach to take is to forward the concern to the lawyers, and let them see if they can say what they want to say with more, but shorter, sentences.



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