At 01:32 AM 8/9/2003, Daryle Walker wrote:

>I uploaded a new test file for the I/O state saving classes over a
>month ago.  How do we get the regression test guys to use the new file

Add to or otherwise modify the Jamfile that drives the test?

Looks like the io tests are specified in boost-root/status/Jamfile:

libs/io/test/ios_state_test.cpp <lib>../libs/test/build/boost_test_exec_monitor # sources
: # args
: # input-files
: <runtime-link>static # requirements (static runtime required by Metrowerks)

So add another test or change this one.

The "regression test guys" just run bjam against the Jamfile. It is up to library maintainers to make Jamfile changes when needed.

When a library grows beyond a single simple test, it becomes worthwhile to set up a test directory with its own Jamfile. Look at say filesystem for how it is done.


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