I know trekking out to BC was a major disincentive for me :-P

But there are all sorts of interesting things, for example overlap between
Perl Monks and Perl Mongers or size of PMs. I was in Paris for the past six
months and Paris.PM is about 8 people; only two of which are monks and one's
not actually from anywhere near Paris.

What is this groups list/page of which you speak? I've been floating around
here for the last 8 years and have heard nothing of it :-P If trying to
publicize I think cross-pollination with LUGs or informing student computing
groups like SIPB might help.

Ahh, apparently here (for the curious) http://web.mit.edu/mugs/
and Boston.PM is already listed

MOTD on Prickle-Prickle, the 43rd of Confusion, in the YOLD 3171:
Were that I say, pancakes? --JP
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