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On 11/3/07, Gadi Evron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You really think a criminal group with revenue goals targets the mac to
> make some mac users feel unhappy?

What is amusing about this whole situation is the "Mac Defender" attitude
that rises up when ever it comes out Apple is not perfect. This happened a
while back with the wireless issues and now is coming out again.

Gadi is 100% right, these people are not doing this for fun or bragging
rights. This is a potential market opportunity that has been ignored up to
this point. Macs up to this point have not been the target of malware
attacks, and as such you have this ever growing audience of fresh
faced innocent babes that have not experienced the harsh reality that users
on windows based systems have been living with.
A lot like some city boys driving out to some rural area where people don't
lock their doors for some easy pickings.
So why not throw out a couple trojans like this and see how many systems
they pick up? Then see what the total ROI was. Decide at that point if it is
worth doing more.

If nothing else, it starts to refine the attacks so when Macs are more
pervasive the attackers have a plan of attack. That day is coming if
you believe the reports about 40% of college users on Macs. ( "40
percent of Princeton students and faculty use Macs as their personal
computers.") Honestly, I thought most Mac folk would see this as a good
thing, it shows the Mac has become enough of a player on the market to be
worth attacking.
On the other hand, if you ran out to the "Mac suburb" to get away from all
the bad crap happening in the "Windows neighborhood", it might be time to
move further out... Ubuntu just came out with a new release, Cory Doctorow
has moved from the mac to ubuntu ( so it must
be the next hip thing to do. White flight everyone, all the cool kids are
doing it.

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