I have come across this warning:

"Parameter value used in file name"

I read the documentation here:

But I'm not sure how to go about making this more secure.

Code looks like this:

  5   before_filter :load_thing, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy]
  7   def show
  8     send_file @thing.file.path,
  9       disposition: :inline,
 10       filename: @thing.file_name
 11   end
 23   private
 25   def load_thing
 26     @thing = @widget.stuffs.find params[:id]
 27   end

My thoughts are that since a private method is where @thing is determined
from the params, that it would not be possible to access a file maliciously.

I am thinking to add an object in brakeman.ignore for this, but if there is
a preferred way to resolve this warning, any feedback would be appreciated.


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