Jon Gabriel wrote:
> >From: "J. van Baardwijk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: Definitiions (was Intellectual output from the Arab World)
> >Date: Sat, 05 Oct 2002 11:46:30 +0200
> >
> >At 00:10 05-10-2002 -0500, The Fool foolishly blated:
> The word I believe you were looking for is 'blatted'?  It means either a
> loud noise or the noise a sheep makes, IIRC.  Been up since 2:30 -- too lazy
> to check the dictionary, but I'm nearly positive that 'blated' isn't an
> English word.
> Or are ye speakin' Dutch?  :-)

"Blated" would be the past tense of "blate", which is found in the OED. 
(Variant of "bleat".)

It's not a terribly common word, though.  "Blat", with past tense
"blatted", would be a little more common, and inclides "to talk noisily
or impulsively".  "Bleat", of which "blate" is a variant, includes "To
give mouth to, babble, prate."

So, add a new word to the vocabulary of those who thought "blated" was a
mistake.  (That includes myself.)


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