Deborah Harrell wrote:

> Nope, I have no idea how you feel about living under
> the BJP government.  


Well, my emotions and reactions vary. The first reaction, of course, was
disbelief that people were idiotic enough to vote them in. That lingered
for quite a while, and cosily snuggled up to all the fears and
apprehensions that the fact aroused. 
Going by their past actions, the ideology and the propaganda of the
party and its sister organisations and their policy pronouncements in
different states, I feared that they would rip asunder the secular
fabric of Indian society and polity. I was worried that they would
slowly try to re-write history and attempt to give it a 'hindutva'
slant; that they would slowly start a 'culture and morals' police and
attempt to enforce some of the more draconian ideas under the guise of
'reinforcing Indian culture'...basically that their government's
policies would reflect the typically north-Indian Brahmanical views on
how India 'should' be. And I knew that they would be ridiculously
hawkish where Pakistan is concerned.

I was right. Unfortunately. 

However, there were certain benefits to the situation - I had really not
considered them before. For one, I never seem to run out of topics to
rant/exospulate on. :)

Then, when they went too far in Gujarat and people actually started
*thinking* about the implications of the 'Hindutva' ideology [as
propogated by BJP, VHP, RSS], I enjoyed reflecting on how silly they
were to be this shocked. After all, Babri masjid was destroyed almost a
decade before Gujarat happened and the direction towards which these
people were headed has been clear since then.

Now, when the judiciary, EC, other parties, media and a vast majority of
the electorate have suddenly decided to be critical and vigilant, I am
frankly enjoying their discomfort and the way they keep on trying to
back-pedal and advance at the same time.

Hopefully, I'll not have to live under their government in future, but
this term has been, interesting, I'd say.
In exactly the same way as the word is used in that old Chinese curse.

> _I_ live under 'Bush, Cheney,
> Rumsfeld and Ashcroft, LLP.'  :)

And how do you feel about that? :)



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