Kevin Tarr wrote:
> I found the information about duck jokes to be interesting.  I wonder if
> the AFLAC duck being a duck, as opposed to some other animal, explains
> at least a small percentage of the success of that ad campaign?  (And is
> it just me, or does that duck need Valium?)
>         Julia
> I thought it was a goose or something.
> Well the website calls it a duck.

I'm guessing that you've never been around live ducks and live geese in
separate groups to know how they sound.  It looks like a waterfowl.  It
sounds like a *duck*.  :)

(Our neighbors had a couple of ducks for awhile.  Well, they had 2,
until our dog ate the nastier one.  The other one died about a year
later, IIRC.  And then, years later, while visiting at a relative's
house, I woke up one morning to an interesting honking sound, and when I
asked over breakfast if one of the neighbors had geese, and got an
affirmative answer.  So I have some idea of how each kind of bird
sounds.  Swans I don't know.)


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