----- Original Message -----
From: "J. van Baardwijk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: The UN (Hey, JDG!)

> At 16:53 20-10-2002 -0400, John Giorgis wrote:
> > >It may not be perfect, but it is the best we have. It is certainly
> > >better than having one country throwing its cherished principles of
> > >democracy overboard and then unilaterally decide to drag the Middle
> > >into another war.
> >
> >Which principle of democracy are you referring to?
> Typo. Where it says "principles" it should say "principle".
> BTW, notice what I am doing here? I am answering a question, I am
> it the first time it is asked, and I am giving a real reply rather than
> trying to evade the question. You really should adopt that practice too;
> will give your credibility and reputation that much-needed boost. And who
> knows, maybe someday you will even become a respected person.

Well, I'll go in where wiser folks fear to tread.  The UN is not a
democracy.  It is a place where voting occurs, but voting does not make
something a democracy.  For example, if the Politburo decided something  by
a 10-4 vote, that didn't make it a democratic vote.

The UN is an organization of nations; it is not a body that represents the
people of the world.  To give an example of the flaws of relying on the UN,
if the League of Nations were to be constituted as the UN was during the
Cold War, then Germany and Japan would each have a veto.  Thus, the League
of Nations would have not sanctioned any actions to stop Japan or Germany
without the approval of Japan and Germany.

A reasonable question would be, then, would Britain have been wrong in
stopping Hitler?  Was the proper course for Britain to stand by when Europe
was overtaken and only act once Hitler started bombing the UK?

BTW, I saw the meaning of JDG's answer immediately.  I'm guessing that you
saw it too, but are having too much fun gigging him to respond.

Dan M.


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