> Jeroen wrote:
> Come on now! While most of the world gives credibility
> to the UN, you claim
> as Absolute Truth that the UN is a discredited body.

Unfortunately, the UN has no real teeth. They make resolutions and fail to
follow-up when the resolution is ignored.  The original weapons inspections
are a perfect example.

My personal viewpoint on the UN is that they are similar to a parent that
makes constant empty unenforced threats to make their children behave and
then are amazed when the children rebel and get away with it.

This is not to say that the UN doesn't do good things in the world, but when
the UN makes a resolution and doesn't enforce it, why should they be taken
seriously? What motivates rogue countries to comply when they know with
almost no doubt that the UN will not do ANYTHING to force them to comply?


  Gary L. Nunn
  Delaware Ohio

   "When there is no enemy within, the
    enemies outside cannot hurt you."
                  -African proverb


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