J. van Baardwijk wrote:

> At 00:07 27-10-2002 -0500, Dan Minette wrote:

>> Further, given Iraq's history of playing cat and mouse, isn't it
>> reasonable to have strict rules that will ensure that an inspection can
>> be thorough?
> I have no problem with that. What I have a problem with is that the US
> wants military action to be the first option, not the last option.

I have seen no suggestions or discussions about what other options should be
tried. *If* one thinks that rigorous inspections should occur, how are they
to be enforced? Trade sanctions have been ineffective. I would like to hear
some ideas on what else should be done. (Question open to anyone! I
genuinely want to know.)
>> What besides "talk about it some more" will the international community
>> support.  In Realpolitic terms, it makes sense for other countries to
>> wait and see if the US loses 100k or 1m people before taking any risk on
>> their own.
> That would assume that Saddam Hussein will use a WMD against the US. I do
> not think he will; I think he will use it to drag as many people with him
> when he is brought down, and in that case Israel will be a much more likely
> target.

And this would be better how?? I notice that you have effectively avoided
answering Dan's direct question: "What besides "talk about it some more"
will the international community support."

(And please don't argue that it technically was not a question because he
did not use correct punctuation.)

Regards, Ray.


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