At 18:57 03-11-2002 -0600, Dan Minette wrote:

> I am not dismissing the work Giorgis put into studying the UN. What I
> am saying is that it sounds awfully arrogant when an amateur claims to
> have the One True Answer ("this *is* how <etcetera>" -- notice the
> emphasis on the word "is") and then add that the professionals "haven't
> figured it out yet".
> He could easily have avoided coming across as arrogant, simply by
> stating that *in his opinion* "this is how the UNSC will end up",
> rather than making it look as if he knows better than all those
> professionals.

John is a lot subtler than you give him credit for.
Oh, I am familiar with the subtlety of Giorgis -- he is about as subtle as a sledgehammer.

I didn't quite ROTFLMAO when he wrote "This is how it will turn out",
but it is a pretty good example of dry wit.  BTW, dry wit depends on
the humor being subtle, so a smiley is out of place with dry wit.
Dry wit also relies heavily on body language and tone of voice. These things are difficult (if not impossible) to convey in e-mail, that is why emoticons were invented.

His post did not contain such an emoticon; now, other people I might have given the benefit of the doubt, but given Giorgis's history on this list, I had (and still do not have) any reason to see his post as anything other than yet another display of his usual arrogance.

Jeroen "The only good Giorgis is a silent Giorgis" van Baardwijk

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