> From: Richard Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The Fool said:
> > As long as there are people who believe these kinds of things,
> > they are christians, jews, islamists, hindus or whatever, (and I know
> > plenty of people with this kind of worldview personally), the human
> > race is headed for extinction.
> It wasn't religion that gave us Mutually Assured Destruction, nor that
> killed fifty million people in the Soviet Union, nor did religion begin
> or play any major part in the two most cataclysmic wars of the last
> century. For that matter, religion has largely opposed the march of
> technological progress that is the central feature of modern history,
> and the feature most likely to lead to our extinction.

It's not that those thing you listed aren't true, they are.  They could
still flare up, but the cold war is over.  Did you know that before the
british came to india, there was a religious group in india called
'thugs'.  the Thugs systematically killed more than an order of magnitude
more people (over a very long period of time) than the numbers you just
listed.  All for kali.

A man is capable of doing much evil on his own.  Give him a god and he
can do unspeakable amounts of evil.


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