> From: Richard Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The Fool said:
> > And just how many unholy wars did the Popes reside over during the
> > dark ages Mr. Catholic?

We'll include medieval europe in that as well.

> Not an awful lot, I would've thought. It seems to me that the main
> inter-religious wars during the Dark Ages in Europe were between
> Merovingian France and the Muslim armies in Spain and between Byzantium
> and the Muslim armies in Asia Minor and the Middle East. In both cases,
> the Europeans were fighting to defend against territorial conquest by
> outside forces. Furthermore, the Byzantines' religious leader wasn't
> the Pope but the Patriarch of Constantinople. (There were, of course,
> various heresies in late Roman times, but if I recall correctly most of
> the unpleasantness was before the collapse of the West and the start of
> the Dark Ages.)
> If you're talking about the Crusades, those happened when the Dark Ages
> had given way to the Medieval period, which was a time of commercial
> and technological (and artistic and philosophical) innovation. Medieval
> Europe might look primitive and nasty from our viewpoint but it was
> making great strides forward until the setback of the Black Death.

The renasiance didn't happen until after the crusades, in which the
crusaders brought back with them a great deal of knowledge from the greek
and roman times.


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