On Sat, Dec 07, 2002 at 12:20:24AM +0100, Sonja van Baardwijk-Holten

> To me it felt like a conscious effort to further discredit a
> listmember's reputation beyond any possibility of repair fully well
> knowing that that listmember is unable to publicly defend himself.

Oh, spare us the poor victim crap. I would have defended Jeroen from
the initial moderation if he hadn't gone and harassed people by posting
their home and business addresses on brin-l.com, but he went beyond my
defense or sympathy when he did that. He long ago closed his lines of
communication with me by repeatedly spamming me with emails. Now he
forges his emails and trys to break into Nick's computer, all the while
making petty threats and refusing to accept any responsibility for his
actions let alone apologizing for them or expressing any remorse. Jeroen
discredits himself quite adequately, he doesn't need anyone else to do
it for him.

I imagine you have noticed my defense of speech on this list in the
past. There is only one person who has ever managed to go beyond my
defense of their speech on this list. Anyone else I would defend if they
got moderated. In fact, I have defended Jeroen's ability to post to
the list in the past. I would even consider defending it again in the
future, if only Jeroen would show some responsibility and/or remorse,
some expression that he will not harass and threaten people in the

"Erik Reuter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://www.erikreuter.net/

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