(Replying to own post, bad sign.)

The problem was with the Greenpeace example.  Ecology is just way more 
important to Galactics than to most of us.

A better example might be:

Every Tymbrimi is a card-carrying member of the ACLU.  They would join a 
civil-liberties group to the left of the ACLU if they could find one.  They 
all favor socialized medicine.  Worse, they favor egalitarian distribution of 
O-2 Galactic resources and cooperation with other orders of life.  They are 
unpredictable.  Worst of all, they have no respect for station, authority, or 
tradition.  They love nothing more than seeing some venerable institute 
official get a pie in the face.  They love seeing dignitaries of the most 
powerful clans trip on the red capets that welcome them on state visits.

They do not love their Civilization with unqualified patiotic devotion and 
they refuse to quietly emmigrate to somewhere else.  They should be lined up 
and shot for the traitors to Civilization that they are--except that 
exterminating them would be even worse for Civilization than letting them and 
their irrelevant minority of mostly-harmless looney-leftists nip the 
Civilized breast that feeds their eternally immature and ungrateful species.

On Friday 06 December 2002 11:40 pm, Trent Shipley wrote:
> No.
> In the Fi.. er Four Galaxies a Greepeace style doctrine is solidly
> conservative--in no way reactionary.  Most Thennanin would be encouraged
> and hopeful that even a t-i-n-y fraction of Human Wolflings would join a
> highly responsible organization like Greepeace.
> Tymbrimi -- well they're the sort of leftist crazies who would do something
> insane like inventing and dropping a dirty fission bomb to save a meagre
> millions of lives.  (Of course, if you are Tymbrimi you drop the bomb on
> Hiroshima with a clear warning in Japanese:
> Property of USA:
> As long as the box remains unopened, the bomb will not explode.)
> On Friday 06 December 2002 10:45 pm, Jim Sharkey wrote:
> > Trent Shipley wrote:
> > >The Tymbrimi are on the Looney Left of Galactic politics.  They
> > >scare the @#$% out of moderates.
> >
> > So they're like Greenpeace, only without the flannel and Birkenstocks,
> > then?  ;)
> >
> > Jim
> >
> >
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