Trent Shipley wrote:
>In the Fi.. er Four Galaxies a Greepeace style doctrine is solidly 
>conservative--in no way reactionary.  Most Thennanin would be 
>encouraged and hopeful that even a t-i-n-y fraction of Human 
>Wolflings would join a highly responsible organization like 

LOL!!  You're right of course!  I was thinking in terms of Terro-centrism.  Pardon my 
wolfling ignorance.  :)

>Tymbrimi -- well they're the sort of leftist crazies who would do 
>something insane like inventing and dropping a dirty fission bomb 
>to save a meagre millions of lives.  (Of course, if you are 
>Tymbrimi you drop the bomb on Hiroshima with a clear warning in 
>Property of USA: 
>As long as the box remains unopened, the bomb will not explode.)

That does sound like them.  And if they *did* open, it wouldn't be a bomb, but 
something far more complicated and destructive, like a joke book.

Trent, is it safe to be on topic this many posts in a row?  Isn't this against the 
list's charter or something?  ;)


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