Of the many "maybe's" that SETI has turned up in its four-decade history,
none is better known than the one that was discovered in August, 1977, in
Columbus, Ohio. The famous Wow signal was found as part of a long-running
sky survey conducted with Ohio State University's "Big Ear" radio telescope.

The Wow signal's unusual nomenclature connotes both the surprise of the
discovery and its sox-knocking strength (60 Janskys in a 10 KHz channel,
which is more than 50 thousand times more incoming energy than the minimum
signal that would register as a hit for today's Project Phoenix.)

But is the Wow signal's notoriety merely the triumph of marketing over
substance? Could this momentary cosmic burp have really been ET, or was it
just random terrestrial interference dressed up with a sexy moniker? For a
decade, Robert Gray, a long-time, independent SETI researcher from Chicago,
has been trying to find out.

Gray, like many others, was attracted by an intriguing feature of the Wow
signal: the manner in which it rose and fell over the course of 72 seconds.
Why is this interesting? Just this: the Ohio State survey kept the telescope
fixed, letting the Earth's daily spin rotate the heavens through its narrow
beam. The "beam," of course, was the elongated patch of sky to which the
telescope was sensitive - the direction from which it could pick up cosmic
signals. The sensitivity was greatest at the center of the beam, falling off
to either side. So as a celestial radio source passed by, it first rose in
apparent intensity as Earth's rotation brought it into the beam, reached a
peak in the beam center, and then faded away. Given the size of the Ohio
State beam, this rise and fall should take 72 seconds. And for the Wow
signal, it did.

Now contrast this with what you'd expect if the telescope had merely been
briefly flooded by an interfering terrestrial signal. The intensity would
suddenly switch full on, and then, sometime later, switch off. Even if the
interference was due to a low-Earth orbit satellite, a source that might
cause a rise and fall in intensity, you wouldn't expect it to fortuitously
last for 72 seconds.

For these reasons, the Wow signal gets high marks for being a credible
candidate for SETI.

On the other hand, there are some aspects of this seductive signal that
nudge it toward a lower grade. The Ohio State telescope actually used two
beams, situated side-by-side on the sky. Any cosmic source would therefore
be seen first in one (for 72 seconds) and then - roughly 3 minutes later -
in the other (also 72 seconds.) The Wow signal failed this simple test. It
came on gangbusters in one beam, but was a no-show in the other: suspicious
and disheartening.

But as Gray and others have realized, this odd, one-beam behavior could be
caused by an alien transmission that simply went off the air during the 3
minutes between beams. Maybe ET went on vacation, or took an extended lunch
break. If the putative aliens permanently shut down their transmitter, then
there's no chance of ever hearing the Wow signal again. Like a single
sighting of the Loch Ness monster, we would never be able to prove what it
was. But if the signal is periodic - if, for example, the aliens are using a
rotating radio beacon that sweeps the star-studded strata of the Milky Way
once every five minutes or every five hours - then we could hope to find it
by just looking again.

Robert Gray has looked again. And again. In the last decade, Gray and his
colleagues have used the Harvard META SETI system and then the Very Large
Array (VLA) to search for a reappearance of the Wow signal. The experiment
at the VLA, in particular, was an impressive effort, as it was far more
sensitive than the original Ohio State equipment and covered more of the
band. Neither attempt succeeded in retrieving the signal, however.

Gray realized that he might be the victim of insufficient patience. The
longest of his reobservations had been 22 minutes. What if the aliens'
beacon flashed less often than once every 22 minutes? What if their
transmitter was fixed to the home planet, rotating (and flashing) once every
20 or 30 hours?

In the October 20 issue of The Astrophysical Journal, Gray and Simon
Ellingsen, of Australia's University of Tasmania, report on new observations
(partially supported by the SETI Institute) designed to test this idea.
Their new try was made at the 26-meter radio telescope in Hobart, Tasmania.
This southern hemisphere instrument could continuously follow for most of a
day the patch of sky (in the constellation of Sagittarius) where the "Big
Ear" was pointing when it found the 'Wow' signal. They made six 14-hour
observations, and even though their telescope was rather smaller than the
venerable Ohio State antenna, they still had sufficient sensitivity to find
signals only 5% as strong as Wow's 1977 intensity. They also covered five
times as much of the radio dial as the original "Big Ear" telescope.

Bottom line? No dice. To quote from their article, "no signals resembling
the Ohio State Wow were detected." Of course, if the signal's repetition
cycle were much longer than 14 hours, then even this careful experiment
could have easily missed it. But as Gray and Ellingsen point out, if the
signal were really this infrequent, then the chance to have found it in the
first place was very slim.

So was the Wow signal our first detection of extraterrestrials? It might
have been, but no scientist would make such a claim. Scientific experiment
is inherently, and rightly, skeptical. This isn't just a sour attitude; it's
the only way to avoid routinely fooling yourself. So until and unless the
cosmic beep measured in Ohio is found again, the Wow signal will remain a
What signal.


Huh? Signal Maru



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