----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Baker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2002 1:23 PM
Subject: Re: brin: [LINK] What Science Fiction Author Are You?

> Amanda said:
> > I decided Academia was Not For Me
> Welcome to the club! (Although I suspect that I'm a newer member than
> you are.) Oh, and welcome to Brin-L too! The people here aren't as crazy
> as they look (except for Rob, who is much crazier).

I suppose thats true, seeing as how I am the creator of the geneticly
engineered pythons that swallow volunteers in order to remake them as
(No really, just ask Rich!)

> > Moonrise is still on my "to fiddle with further" list
> Do you find that you write most of a story in a sudden rush of
> enthusiasm and then find it hard to go back to it and finish it off?
> I'm really suffering that with my latest story - I know exactly what
> needs to go into the missing section and what changes need to be made
> to what's already written, but I just can't seem to find the time and
> the right mood to push through to the end. I'm starting to see a whole
> future of unfinished stories and fragments of novels ahead of me.

Stephen Kings "On Writing" addresses this. But I'm not sure that his
suggestions apply across the board.
Worth a read by any aspiring writer in any case.

> (In the shameless plug department, what I've written so far is at
> http://www.theculture.org/rich/story.txt and spoiler junkies can see
> most of the ending at /end.txt The parts that make it make sense are as
> yet unwritten however.)
As I've said before, I like it alot. I think it has a lot of potential.

And welcome Amanda!

We Got Our Own Amanda Maru


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